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kspenmoll Not sure, need to think- right now in our political climate where woman are losing their fundamental rights, gender politics is quite open. 23h
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kspenmoll I think I have dine that in my 20s especially with a boyfriend I had at the time. I feel like in my young 20s I had a very tentative self image. There also was a close woman friend who I looked up to & admired & I was caught in her manipulations & thought processes which I did not see until she was gone from my life. 23h
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kspenmoll Yes-that is why she could not truly feel free herself-her religious & royalist views confined her thinking, creating unreconcilable conflicts within her being & thinking. 7d
GingerAntics @kspenmoll reading about her contradictory beliefs definitely gave me cognitive dissonance vibes. That‘s for sure. 1d
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kspenmoll I think single women are accepted without thought as part of today‘s fabric of society. I think it‘s rather recent though.In the 1950s-70s women were viewed those who couldn‘t find a husband,rather than seen as women with autonomous choice.This may just be middle class experience.The rich could do as they pleased due to their money & power- though maybe some did want marriage. People of lower class or of color had to work whether married or not. 7d
kspenmoll I myself was single until 36. I had by then accepted that living on my own was a rich life for me-I did not need a husband.when we met, I was totally myself, not looking for anything different. 7d
GingerAntics @kspenmoll nice! That sounds like the perfect way to find someone who isn‘t going to have a problem with the real you! 1d
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GingerAntics Maybe it‘s living in a smaller area. Maybe it‘s the wave of extremist conservatism, but I still feel a stigma being almost 40 and not married yet. I feel fortunate to look much younger, because I‘ve heard people talk about women younger than me and how “she‘s still single,” but since I pass as a good 10 years younger, people think I‘m just pushing 30, and I have heard people comment that I need to “get serious” with the men in my life. 1d
GingerAntics Joke‘s on them! There aren‘t any! 1d
kspenmoll It may be different if I asked the single women I know how they felt. I have a neighborI feel comfortable asking- I think she is in late 40s. She lived with someone but that was a decade ago. The other single women I know are younger, except for some older divorcees. Now I am curious ! 23h
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kspenmoll I do not think I would have been as brave as Astell at the age she started writing. I was just then trying to free myself of the Catholic box I was in- now would be a different story as life has taught me to let go of my fears, investigate who I truly am, become my authentic self. 7d
GingerAntics @kspenmoll I agree with that. It‘s amazing how small and confining that Catholic box is.isn‘t it? 1d
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Peril in Paris | Rhys Bowen
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julieclair I love the Royal Spyness series! 7d
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1979 | Val McDermid
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Megabooks So organized! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 1w
kspenmoll @Megabooks I try! Maybe because i am not working this summer. 1w
TheSpineView Great job! 1w
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I DID IT AGAIN!!! I keep getting so engrossed in the narrative and my mind gets going, I seem to miss the division between chapters. So I have read chapters 3-4 this week… so my questions come from both (I think). Do I post them all now? Post half of them? Or should I wait and post them all next week? Thoughts?

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