One of my best reading months in years.
I read 9 books total for January. 4 of them were ebooks, 3 were ARCs.
The Gilded Wolves - 5⭐
Truthwitch - 5⭐
HP & the Goblet of Fire - 5⭐
Siege & Storm - 5⭐
Heroine(ARC & ebook) - 4⭐
The Poppy War - 4⭐
Soulless (ebook) - 5⭐
Circle of Shadows(ARC & ebook)-3⭐
The Beckoning Shadow (ARC & ebook) - 5⭐
I read a total of 4,217 pages for January! I'd say I had a pretty good month.
#Januarywrapup #monthlywrapup #JanuaryinReview #Janauary
I honestly didn‘t realize I‘d managed 10 books this month! I‘ve been in such a slump the last 10 days or so, I forgot how much I read early on. The two largest pics were the best, the middle row was great, the bottom row was decent. No terrible ones this month, but nothing for my “best of 2018” list yet. #jesshowreads2018 #wrapup #januaryinreview