I enjoyed this one even more than the original, probably because this was my introduction to the world of Star Trek. I laughed at so many of the illustrations in this book.
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
I enjoyed this one even more than the original, probably because this was my introduction to the world of Star Trek. I laughed at so many of the illustrations in this book.
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
Data to the rescue, as always.
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
I always loved Wesley...then The Big Bang Theory happened.
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
My second crush as a kid was Riker. I always loved Geordi and Data. This was my introduction to the world of Star Trek. I remember so vividly almost every one of these episodes.
#StarTrekTNGCats #JennyParks
This is a must for fans of Star Trek, cats, pop culture, and a good laugh. I love the episode guide in the back, too.
#StarTrekCats #JennyParks
You know this had to happen.
#StarTrekCats #JennyParks #Spock