Here is my current #JumpStartJanuary TBR. I‘ll be adding the 10 books that get chosen for me for #TrappedOnAnIsland. If I have any spare time, I‘ll add in a chunkster, something for #Pikeathon, and some foodie books. ☺️
Here is my current #JumpStartJanuary TBR. I‘ll be adding the 10 books that get chosen for me for #TrappedOnAnIsland. If I have any spare time, I‘ll add in a chunkster, something for #Pikeathon, and some foodie books. ☺️
Here is the monthly checklist I‘ll be using to help choose my books. I‘m hoping to stack prompts and challenges as much as possible, so this is the easiest way to track my progress. And we all know I love a good checklist! 😉☺️
My “prompt challenges” like #ReadySetRead, #AtoZ, #Booked2023, and #NoShameReadathon are not on this list since I‘m not planning for them. I‘ll just fill them in as I read. My #JumpStartJanuary TBR is coming up next!