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The Last Close Call | Laura Griffin
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A traveling book that I was supposed to read in September, whoops. This one was borderline so-so for me, mainly because the two MCs were inconsistent and kind of annoying. Also it felt like the overall message in the end was that in the nature vs nurture debate, you can't escape nature (more details in the spoiler), and I didn't care for that. However, the use of forensic genealogy was intriguing and I enjoyed the secondary characters.

TheAromaofBooks The criminal in this one is a serial rapist. He was given up for adoption by his 16-year-old birth mother. At the end, you find out that she had gotten pregnant because she had been raped, and there is this overall vibe that the reason this guy was a rapist was because his dad was a rapist, and that was just the way it had to be, despite him being adopted and raised in a loving home. This isn't stated explicitly, but combined with the fact that ⬇ 3d
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) after they capture the criminal the reader never gets any explanation/viewpoint from him at all - we never find out what his motivation was, if something triggered him to start this, why he left Texas for five years, why he came back, whether or not his girlfriend was remotely suspicious, etc. NOTHING. So all we're left with is “his birth father was a rapist so“ and that just didn't sit well with me. 3d
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TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon @Bookandbedandtea - FOR REAL I am also going to finish my pick for October and then mail them both to Paula before the end of October 😂 I would be interested to hear if you had any thoughts on the nature vs. nurture aspect of this book - was that just me reading too much into it?? 3d
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2d
Jerdencon @bookandbedandtea honestly I do believe nature plays a part (I work as a school psychologist so seen this happen) - kids are raised in a wonderful home but still have issues BUT I‘ve also seen the other side of it too - think it‘s one of those mysteries of life and genetics. Also my books will be in the mail beg of next week! (edited) 2d
OriginalCyn620 🖤🖤🖤 2d
bookandbedandtea @Jerdencon @TheAromaofBooks I did feel this leaned a little hard on nature because I've always wanted to believe nurture weighs heavier in that balance. I'll send my books out next week as well. 😄 2d
TheAromaofBooks @Jerdencon @bookandbedandtea - It seems like nature has to play a substantial role because, like Denise said, you see kids raised in lovely homes and still turn out troubled. Just looking at myself and my five siblings (including one adopted) all raised by the same parents, but all really different as adults, it's obvious that nature is there haha But it felt weird that the conclusion was kind of “oh his birth dad was also bad, that explains why ⬇ 2d
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) this guy was also bad“ without any real nuance or exploration of other influences/aspects of the bad guy's life. Anyway, it was an interesting book and I didn't dislike it, but I felt like the ending dragged out kind of purposelessly haha 2d
bookandbedandtea @TheAromaofBooks I think you have a good point, Sarah, about the lack of nuance regarding the bad guy and that more explanation about him would have made for a better story. I could have stood for more if that and less of the romance between the leads. 1d
Jerdencon @bookandbedandtea I agree about the romance part 1d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🦇🖤 20h
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I know going into it that this type of romantic suspense is going to need me to gloss over a lot of ?!?!?! moments to make it work, but this book was really pushing the limits haha Pretty ridiculous on the whole, but sometimes that's what you need. A long while back someone gave me a box of random thrillers/romantic suspense, and this was one of them. Mildly entertaining, but off to a new home now.

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620

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The Willows in Winter | William Horwood
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The first book read for my #BirthdayBashReadathon was a bit of a random choice - a sequel to The Wind in the Willows, written by not-the-original-Willows-author. I'm always somewhat leery of people piggy-backing off of someone else's work, but I think Horwood makes it work. It's obvious that he has a great deal of love and respect for Grahame's original characters, but says he was always a bit saddened by the ending of Willows, which reassures ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) the readers that Toad was “indeed an altered Toad.“ Horwood says he could never believe that a rascal like Toad could ever be completely reformed, and from that thought, this book was born. It's a soft pick for me, and I'm perhaps able to be more generous with it because while I like Willows, it isn't a heart-book for me, so the fact that Horwood doesn't *quite* get the tone right doesn't horrify me haha The pacing is a little uneven ⬇ 3d
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) but for the most part this is a warm, respectful sequel to a beloved children's classic. Horwood went on to write three more books about the Willows characters, which I seem to have collected over the years, so I'll hopefully be reading them this year as well.

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620
#SeriesLove2024 #Spookoween @TheSpineView
#100YearsofBooks #192025 (1993) @Librarybelle
#WickedWords (Winter) @AsYouWish
#AtoZ @Texreader
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Librarybelle Oddly, I‘ve never read The Wind in the Willows! 3d
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2d
TheSpineView Excellent! 2d
OriginalCyn620 🖤🖤🖤 2d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🐈‍⬛💜 20h
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Hideaway: A Novel | Nora Roberts
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Soft pick. I liked the main character and her close family ties, but this book was very slow paced, and the motivation of the bad guy just never really made a lot of sense. I get it that revenge is a dish best served cold... but sheesh. Nice for a one-off read, but this one is headed to the giveaway pile.

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620
#ReadOrDonate @julieclair
#AtoZ @Texreader

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While not my favorite Poirot, this one does involve Mrs. Oliver (although not nearly enough of her haha). I still haven't decided whether or not the ending is a bit of a cheat. Soft pick.

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620
#SpookyEdition (Fiendish) #BodyDouble #Pumpkaboo (Medium) @PuddleJumper
#CozyReads @Bookwormjillk
#AtoZ @Texreader
#Spookoween @TheSpineView
#31by31 (8/31) @Catsandbooks
#PromptMaze #BookSpinBingo

OriginalCyn620 🖤🖤🖤 1w
PuddleJumper 🧡🖤🧡 1w
TheSpineView Fantastic! 1w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🐦‍⬛💜 7d
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Like many of the other buddy readers, I found this one to be one of the weaker entries of the series so far. The plot felt jumbled and unrealistic (more so than usual haha) and the whole “jealousy“ side line definitely felt like padding. Definitely not my favorite.

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620
#SeriesLove2024 #Spookoween @TheSpineView
#SpookyEdition (Scream) #Pumpkaboo (Medium) #BodyDoubleReadathon @PuddleJumper

OriginalCyn620 I love your ghost! 👻 1w
PuddleJumper 🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛ 1w
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TheSpineView Awesome! 1w
Bookwormjillk 🌳🌳🌳 1w
Librarybelle Cute ghost! 1w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 7d
TheAromaofBooks @OriginalCyn620 @Librarybelle - I'm not usually a ghost girlie, but something about the shades totally sold me on this one 😂 6d
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Hunt the Stars | Jessie Mihalik
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I really enjoyed another trilogy by this author that I read last year. These are what I think of as sci-fi lite. They're set in space, we're zipping around the spaceships, but these aren't super science-y haha It's more about the romance, and I'm cool with that. I really liked the way these two crews, from opposite sides of a recently-ended war, had to get over their suspicions and work together. The pacing was a little a slow in spots, but ⬇

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See Something | Carol J. Perry
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My book club loves to pick cozies from the middle of a series. Maybe I would have liked this cozy set in Salem better if I had started with book 1?

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620 🐔 #witchathon @TEArificbooks #31by31 @Catsandbooks #Spookoween @TheSpineView #BookSpinBingo #PromptMaze @TheAromaofBooks #AtoZ @Texreader

TheSpineView Great job! 1w
OriginalCyn620 Thank you for the chicken emoji! 🤣🤣🤣 1w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 7d
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Five years ago a high school senior disappeared. Although her body was never found, police decided that she was murdered by her boyfriend, who committed suicide a few days later. However, Pip - who is now a high school senior herself - has never believed that the boyfriend was the murderer. With the help of the boyfriend's younger brother, she sets out to reexamine the evidence. I really liked the format of this book, with parts of it Pip's notes⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) some in the form of transcripts of people she was interviewing, and other sections just regular third-person narration. It did drag a little in the middle, but I really did want to find out what happened and I liked the way the different pieces of evidence kept shifting the pointing finger. While the ending did make sense on the whole, I was actually convinced that it fit the personalities of the characters. There were also a few things ⬇ 2w
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) I found kind of unbelievable/a big stretch. But on the whole, an enjoyable YA thriller, and I'll probably pick up the sequel soon.

This was a #TrappedinaHauntedHouse pick (thanks @Charityann !!) and also my list to read for the #AcquiredViaLitsy challenge @MatchlessMarie - it was gifted to me as part of the #Bestof2021Swap by @kellyann28 back in - you guessed it - January 2022!

#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620
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TheSpineView Awesome! 2w
OriginalCyn620 Me and my youngest love this series, but I agree that some things are a big stretch! 2w
MatchlessMarie Awesome! It seems to have a similar vibe to One of Us Is Lying series by Karen M McManus which I really enjoyed. 2w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🐦‍⬛🧡 2w
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Elizabeth and her German Garden | Elisabeth Von Arnim
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The consensus for this one seems to be a sense of mild disappointment lol There were parts of this I really enjoyed and that resonated with me, but on the whole I found Elizabeth herself to be too self-absorbed and condescending to really like her/enjoy being in her head for an entire book. Also, I honestly wanted more garden. 😂

#KindredSpiritsBuddyRead @BarbaraJean
#HauntedShelf #DeadSerious @OriginalCyn620

julieclair I‘m with you 💯 2w
OriginalCyn620 They can‘t all be winners, but at least it‘s off your TBR! 2w
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TheSpineView Well done! 2w
Bookwomble I despised her attitude and gave up after about 30 pages! Urgh! 2w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 2w
Gissy But beautiful edition😍💛💛💛 2w
lauraisntwilder I wanted my gardening, too! More flowers, less complaining about friends. 2w
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