Such a good book, filled with rock n roll & angst & worries & learning how to find yourself. It‘s a great #MiddleGrade book, and I wish I had this to read when I was in middle school...while I did not go through everything in Melly‘s life, my constant struggles with bullies and unsupportive teachers left me with pretty similar feelings. I‘m also a 90s girl, so anything about internal angst totally works for me! ❤️ Melly and her strength to excel.
Librarybelle #MiddleGrade #LGBTQMainCharacter #BBRC @LibrarianRyan @Sarahreadstoomuch 4y
LibrarianRyan ⭐️👍💗 4y
Sarahreadstoomuch Great review!! 4y
Librarybelle Thanks, @Sarahreadstoomuch ! 4y