An article from the beginning of the year, but very cool 🙂, https://bit.ly/37c8UVz ! I enjoy this sort of finding. #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
An article from the beginning of the year, but very cool 🙂, https://bit.ly/37c8UVz ! I enjoy this sort of finding. #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
Did you know Esquire Magazine publishes articles about books?! Here are some of their so-far 2020 favorites: https://bit.ly/2SFMeEp ! Have you read any of these and approve?! 🙂 #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
Want to check out a $22,000 book to be published in December?! (Not the tagged book, lol.) https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/articl... #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
Thought you might like this article too: https://lithub.com/the-45-best-bad-amazon-reviews-of-in-cold-blood/ ! 🙂 #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
I love these lists. You?! https://www.npr.org/2020/09/18/914418365/here-are-the-50-books-nominated-for-202... #LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
An interesting news story for #BannedBooksWeek, one of my favorite weeks of the year 😁: https://bit.ly/2GgfP4J ! If someone tries to prevent me from reading something...then I really want to read it. You?! #LNN #LItsyNewsNetwork
#NobelPrize for Literature winner announced! I haven‘t heard of either author before 🙈. What do you think of the recipients‘ works? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/nobel-prizes-in-literature...
#LitsyNewsNetwork #LNN #TheMoreYouKnow
Today‘s author spotlight: Ocean Vuong! The 30-year-old Vietnamese-American was born in Ho Chi Minh City, spent a year as a refugee in the Philippines, and moved in 1990 with his family to Hartford, CT. At age 11, he was the first in his family to learn to read. The openly-gay poet earned a degree in 19th-Century English Lit while studying under novelist Ben Lerner. He‘s received numerous awards and recognitions. #AuthorPotpourri #TheMoreYouKnow
😱😱😱😱 #London Littens! Tell me more!
#LNN #LitsyNewsNetwork
So, if my time zone math is correct, this should hit us here in Central Europe at 1.00 pm CEST.
Reposting from @Avanders