Had a little three-day escape✨
A cozy fantasy which I guess I expected more from. It is good, just underwhelming for what I had in mind. Also, I have to point out how difficult it was for me to read it while also wanting to be gaming; all the cozy hobbies at once😹✨
Coquito, holiday decorations, and Christmas instrumentals in the background to set the reading mood for the night✨
Feelings and their duality… love and hate, pain and comfort, understanding and misunderstandings, etc✨
The cutest and cheesiest (heh) graphic novel✨
Took me around nine months to get this one done. It just felt too much like an info dump at times, written slightly all over the place.
I took some time off from this app around three months ago, when the last part of my thesis project began. I can officially say I finished my Bachelor‘s Degree in Architecture! Hoping to get back to reading as much as possible✨
This book is written in verse, which is something I‘m recently getting into. I got a used copy and found that many of the pages were written, with questions and phrases that made it even more intriguing✨
The book itself wasn‘t to my liking, but I did enjoy very much the alternative universe aspect✨
Not entirely sure how I feel with this one. It wasn‘t what I had in mind, but it was good nonetheless. It got to be a bit repetitive at times for me and so it didn‘t have me all hooked. Either way, the plot was interesting and I enjoyed it.
Started and finished this one today. Ridiculously adorable, perfect for these days✨
It feels very Hallmark movie. It‘s good for light romcom read✨
The beginning didn‘t capture me as much, but once it all truly started, I got hooked! Loved how Evelyn Hugo and the journalist are “connected”. 4/5 stars✨
Today‘s lunch setting✨
It‘s a good one, especially approximately the last seven chapters. Would‘ve preferred if it had no love interest though, lol✨
Needed a cute book to get me back on track with reading. This one did the job. Not one I loved, but it isn‘t bad. Easy read✨
Picture from two weekends ago while resting from athletic competitions and activities✨
I‘ve read many good reviews on this one and I just seem to be on the whole opposite side of them. This one just wasn‘t it for me. 2/5
It‘s been way too long since I last finished a book in less than a week. This one made me able to do so once again✨
Got myself two new books today and coffee. Let‘s call it self care✨
This morning while waiting to enter work✨
Just realized I didn‘t post an update on this one, so here‘s the Goodreads screen, lol✨
Still pushing through this one. It is an easy read, but my attention span lately has been all over the place. This week I begin finals, so I‘m trying to look at it as my “self care read” during this week✨