A total classic that was constantly referred to during my undergrad days. Porter's Five Forces, anyone? I still haven't managed to read the other two that follow but I'm pretty sure they were also #publishedinthe1980s
A total classic that was constantly referred to during my undergrad days. Porter's Five Forces, anyone? I still haven't managed to read the other two that follow but I'm pretty sure they were also #publishedinthe1980s
Playing catchup from yesterday- #junebookbugs #publishedinthe1980s
I picked up the Desai at the Bay Area Book Festival last year. And still haven't read it! I kinda like the cover. Can't say the same for Nice Work. Hate that cover. Maybe that's why I haven't actually read the book!
This sweet gift was a going-away present from my childhood best friend when my family and I moved from England back to California. (30 years ago!) ?Frances & I both LOVED reading, and she introduced me to both Roald Dahl and Dick King-Smith. Bookish friends are the best--I missed her so much when we moved!
The eponymous Saddlebottom is a pig whose "saddle" marking has slipped a bit. ?#publishedinthe1980s #junebookbugs #childhoodread #riotgrams
#junebookbugs Day26: #publishedinthe1980s
Missing 1983 and 1986. So close!
I went through a huge Anne Tyler phase years ago and this is the only book that has managed to remain on my shelves. Ironically, it's my least favorite Tyler book.