#QueenKatharine from #ThreeDarkCrowns. This is more or less how I pictured her while reading the books (pics are from Pinterest) loved it! And can‘t wait till the next book. Still rooting for her character 🤗 #TeamKatharine ❤️
#QueenKatharine from #ThreeDarkCrowns. This is more or less how I pictured her while reading the books (pics are from Pinterest) loved it! And can‘t wait till the next book. Still rooting for her character 🤗 #TeamKatharine ❤️
This short ‘Three Dark Crowns‘ novella was a fun read! ☺️ It gave lots of backstory on the characters and tied things together nicely. This book also answered some questions about Queen Katharine that were previously left up in the air. I felt it did a good job explaining how things came to be, prior to the first book. Can‘t wait for ‘The Oracle Queen‘ and ‘Two Dark Reigns‘!!😄📚❤️ #ThreeDarkCrowns #QueenKatharine #KendareBlake
I absolutely loved this book. The different story lines of each queen are so interesting plus the craziness that happens with the supporting characters. I just wish I didn‘t have to wait till September for the third book! #books #reading #teamnaturalists #fennbirn #mpls #twincities
Me and my obsession with book fan art! 😅 is it obvious who my favorite is? 😆❤️ #QueenKatharine #ThreeDarkCrowns #KendareBlake from Pinterest