Jay Asher reads aloud from his “13 Reasons Why” #SWF2017 with a teenage female volunteer.
Completely blown away by Israeli filmmaker/novelist Etgar Keret. Just utterly inspired. This man is a veritable genius. Daughter and I watched a documentary made on his life and short stories last night. Brilliant. #SWF2017
My daughter and I attended French novelist, Édouard Louis‘ session last night, whose story of experiencing violence because of his sexuality, is another mindblowing experience. “I just want my father to stop being ashamed of me. That was my dream.” #SWF2017.
Sunday mornings should be spent listening to YA writers and graphic novelists discussing superheroines or female protagonists in speculative fiction. Jay Kristoff of Illuminae fame is here and Marjorie Liu of Monstress fame. #SWF2017 - The Singapore Writers Festival gets better every year!
Attended two panel sessions with the inimitable Ken Liu for #SWF2017 (Singapore Writers Festival) today. He makes geeky and nerdy sound so absolutely cool. The man is hands-down brilliant.
Happening Now: Between Brexit and the Deep Blue Sea - Being Irish in a Divided Europe. Ireland is the #SWF2017 (Singapore Writers Festival) Country of Focus.
Can‘t wait to attend Ken Liu‘s sessions for the #SWF2017 Singapore Writers Festival this weekend. Whee! Have to catch up on my reading, like, stat!
Loving this mystery book vendo machine here at The Arts House in Singapore. Opening Night of the Singapore Writers Festival #SWF2017 and I am so ready to be inspired.
Look, the podcast didn't quite work for me, but I still recommend it to people who I think would enjoy it. Jamie Morton talking about his dad is hilarious. #sydneywritersfestival #swf2017
For the first time in many years (maybe ever?) I went to ticketed events at the Sydney Writers' Festival. Tonight I got to hear from the amazing Roxane Gay. Really liking forward to reading her work. #roxanegay #badfeminist #swf2017