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Bartleby, the Scrivener | Herman Melville
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Still one of the best things I've read about the absurdity and alienating drudgery of wage labour. Alas, will have to #work for books, like this cool Melville House edition... #AugustGrrrl @Cinfhen

Cinfhen #willingtoworkforbooks 😜🙌🏻😘 7y
RohitSawant I've been meaning to read this for sometime now. Sigh. #TbrWoes 7y
batsy @rohit-sawant I feel you on the #TBRwoes. This one is novella-length 😉 7y
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Sace Recently checked this out from the library. It was an edition that included Billy Budd as well. I might start on one of those this weekend. 7y
Lacythebookworm Love Bartleby! 🙌😍 7y
batsy @RestlessFickleBookSlut I haven't read Billy Budd! Maybe I'll read that before I attempt Moby Dick... someday 😆 7y
batsy @Lacythebookworm Yeah! 💚 7y
Billypar I wish Melville knew that in 2017 book nerds would wear t-shirts with 'I prefer not to' printed on them. 7y
batsy @Billypar :) I need one of those t-shirts! And a mug too, if they make em 7y
Sace @batsy I read it in high school and remembered it as long and boring. When I checked out the book last week I was shocked to discover it was only 81 pages! 7y
Leftcoastzen Lol ! Work for books!Love that you like Melville !Sometimes difficult for contemporary readers to get context of writers from long ago. 7y
Leftcoastzen Also I have not read this , stack add 7y
KathyWheeler I was never able to finish Moby Dick, but I loved this book. 7y
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The Sellout: A Novel | Paul Beatty
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Still haven't picked this one up. It's a contender for winter break, though. #TBRwoes

MoniqueReads305 The Sellout is a good one. I actually laughed of Lord several times. 8y
Notafraidofwords I have so many TBR woes ! 8y
SaintUrsula On the Kindle, waiting. 8y
ChasingOm Great hashtag -- likely pertinent for most Littens, lol. 8y
Qemorio Do it! This is one of the best books I read this year. 8y
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