Toothless isn't too impressed with this Jabberwock guy. #AliceThroughTheLookingGlass #Jabberwock #HowToTrainYourDragon #Toothless #funko #funkopop
This is probably the saddest part so far in the book series-which is quite different from the movies and tv series.
And it's even sadder *because* Toothless isn't a Night Fury in the books. I'm not even sure they exist in the book world. He's really small, and so he can't defend himself very well. 🙁
#readingdecathlon #howtospeakdragonese #dragon #dragons #toothless #hiccup #hiccuphorrendoushaddockthethird #feels
Toothless isn't too impressed with this Jabberwock guy. #AliceThroughTheLookingGlass #Jabberwock #HowToTrainYourDragon #Toothless #funko #funkopop