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Jabberwocky: A Novel | Daniel Coleman
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15 months and today we hit #1000booksbeforekindergarten 🙂 Book 1000 was Jabberwocky a favorite since he was lan infant (thanks @Avanders !).

Avanders Wow! Congrats!! And yay!! ☺️🥰😘 3y
Avanders Omg and bugga has that same shirt!! 3y
marleed So cute. I‘m a tad jelly. I have 15 mo old grand twins. They like board books a lot, and scamper to my lap with books that can never be passed down or donated because they eat them! It‘s very funny and their mama scolds them - we don‘t eat books and family family pets. My granddaughter especially will dive her head with mouth open into a book! 3y
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BethM @Avanders it‘s one of my favorites! 98% of our clothes are hand me downs lol so no idea where it came from. @marleed we have a few that have been chewed! Or sat on in the pack n play and have broken spines. He has a bin of books he can play with and most we read together at bed. 3y
Avanders I know the feeling! For bugga‘s 1st several years, a friend gave us a bunch of clothes… so a lot came from her, her other friend,& her family. As for the books… I have learned to *not* recycle those well-loved (aka trashed) books, even if he seems to have grown out of them…. Lately, he‘s been wanting to revisit those oldies-but-goodies & I‘ve had to re-buy a few that I “misplaced” 😳😏 I guess I‘ll wait until he chooses to … pass them on himself! 3y
BethM @Avanders that‘s good to know! 3y
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Jabberwocky: A Novel | Daniel Coleman
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Probably more of an adventure story - I‘ve never been good with labeling things. If you want to send the cops, well, I‘ve got my ‘go‘ bag ready. So, why am I taking this risk?

✴️ I‘m a sucker for familiar tales retold. This one is Book 0 in a reimagined ‘Alice in Wonderland‘.

✴️ Just seeing what he does with the nonsense words from the poem will make it worth reading.

✴️ The Kindle version is *free* on Amazon.


📷: Google Books

TheFunkyBookworm Lucky for you I‘m a sucker for Alice. I shall hold off on calling the cops... for now 😜 I look forward to checking this one out- the nonsense words just might blow my students minds 🤯 haha thanks for participating! 🎉 6y
LiterRohde @TheFunkyBookworm Thanks for that! I wouldn‘t survive long in prison. And remember, it should be free through Amazon right now for you to check out. If you can handle ebooks. I love ebooks, but I know some people want a physical book. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @LiterRohde I used to love ebooks but bwt the kindle and my phone I found my eyes getting tired of so much screen time- back to physical books for me! Fingers crossed my media center already has this one, but thanks for the tip nonetheless- I‘m sure others will take advantage! 6y
jjmcgaffey I saw it on Bookbub and decided against, but you convinced me - I grabbed it. 6y
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Jabberwocky: A Novel | Daniel Coleman
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I read Daniel Coleman‘s books about 4 years ago and loved them. Jabberwocky is on sale (who knows for how long) for FREE! #DailyDeal

InLibrisVeritas I think I read the first version of this year ago and loved it! I wonder if he has changed it at all. 6y
Crewgurl Thanks! I like free 😊 6y
the.bookish.valkyrie Thanks! Sounds interesting! 6y
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Toothless isn't too impressed with this Jabberwock guy. #AliceThroughTheLookingGlass #Jabberwock #HowToTrainYourDragon #Toothless #funko #funkopop