#UCFLA3414F17 Matilda by Roald Dahl. It is a realistic fiction text. It is the story about a smart young girl named Matilda who has an unbelievable secret.
#UCFLA3414F17 Matilda by Roald Dahl. It is a realistic fiction text. It is the story about a smart young girl named Matilda who has an unbelievable secret.
#UCFLA3414F17 Tuck Everlasting by Suzanne Barchers. It is a historical fiction book. It is a story about an immortal family that meet a young girl and begin a friendship.
#UCFLA3414F17 Almost Everybody Farts by Marty Kelley. It is a modern fantasy and is a book about flatulence and captures the comedy in it.
#UCFLA3414F17 The Bad Seed by Jory John is a modern fantasy. It is an Amazon Best Children's Book. It is the story about a bad seed that has a bad temper and bad manners. It talks about positive changes for the main character.