I‘m so glad I took another look at Scribd; I definitely get more than my money‘s worth out of the subscription. #audiobooks #unfortunateevents
I‘m so glad I took another look at Scribd; I definitely get more than my money‘s worth out of the subscription. #audiobooks #unfortunateevents
Please tell me everyone around here feels the way I do about these books....? So strange but sooooo fun. Poor little Baudelaire children with their special traits and terrible Count Olaf with his relentless chase for their inheritance. And from the POV as the always pessimistic but wonderfully afable Lemony Snicket. Genius series!
#LemonySnicket #Shelfie #MustRead #LittleBitDepressing #LittleBitUnmissable #UnfortunateEvents #FortunatelyWritten
I might be a little old for this series, but I think you are never to old for any book. Also, really enjoying the free bookmark from my library, good advise. #unfortunateevents #funread #nevertoold #nevertolate
Loved him as a kid. Love him as an adult. He's just so out there! Never found him scary but definately dastardly! NPH does him great justice in the new netflix series, absolutely hilarious yet dark. Basically my comedic Achilles heel. 😀 #riotgrams #day4 #countolaf #muchlove #unfortunateevents
There are moments in life when you experience some horrible truths in the light of humor. If the news is already bad, why not find a way to at least make it funny? 😛#Booktober #UnfortunateEvents