#SurvivingDecember #WantToBeSomeoneElseForADay Cattie Brie Battlehammer for sure. Hands down. I adore her spirit and I want her hair so badly 😂
#SurvivingDecember #WantToBeSomeoneElseForADay Cattie Brie Battlehammer for sure. Hands down. I adore her spirit and I want her hair so badly 😂
There are no two people that I dream of being more than Princess Leia and Wonder Woman when I #wanttobesomeoneelseforaday. Really, can you blame me? #survivingdecember Artist credit: Karen Hallion
#wanttobesomeoneelseforaday. BB-8. Definitely BB-8. If only to spend the day with either Rey, Finn or Poe Dameron. #survivingdecember
This one was a no brainer! I'm an unapologetic geek and love me some D&D. I have a group of friends that get together every Sunday so we can and sit around a table and go on grand adventures. I'm usually the GM - meaning I run the game and we have a blast looting dungeons, slaying dragons, and creating legends that span a lifetime! 🤓
This book gave me all the #feels. Eleanor has a rather mysterious #family life, she doesn't like having #visitors, and she has to plan the office #🎄 lunch. If I #wanttobesomeoneelseforaday, it wouldn't be Eleanor. #decdays #seasonsreadings2017 #reindeerreads #survivingdecember #jingleshelves #multitasking