A slushy drink and another library book! One down, two to go! #mikeshardblackcherry #adultswholoveYA #mondaynightreads #LitsyLovesLibraries
A slushy drink and another library book! One down, two to go! #mikeshardblackcherry #adultswholoveYA #mondaynightreads #LitsyLovesLibraries
My most recent book hauls. I swear that I'm sneaking books into my apartment like a Mexican Drug Lord.
#noidonothaveaproblem #youhaveaproblem #nochaptersstoresupnorth #wordnerdproblems #adultswholoveYA #maybookhaul
(please try to ignore the current mess that is my kitchen table/computer desk - I'm preparing to move haha.)
Feeling those at-home-new-years vibes. Happy 2017 everyone! I hope that the new year brings great books and no reading slumps to all! (Including me lol)
#adultswholoveya #booksbybloggers #ineedmorejewelry