Sunday evening 😊❤️
#sunday #thewifebetweenus #greerhendricks #sarahpekkanen #tea #teajenny #allthetea
Sunday evening 😊❤️
#sunday #thewifebetweenus #greerhendricks #sarahpekkanen #tea #teajenny #allthetea
Thought I was ready for fall, but now I just want to fence in our porch and drink sweet tea til the cows come home... #southernliving #sweettea #suntea #allthetea
I‘m driving to see family tomorrow, so tonight I‘m staying up late making knotted blankets for Christmas and drinking ALL THE TEA! On the bright side, the new teas I just got are really good, and this gives me a convenient opportunity to watch two more movie adaptations of Hamlet! #ShakespeareReadalong #allthetea #craftingtilmyeyeswontstayopen