Continuing the countdown of my books, from 1st to 25th, THE JACKAL‘S MISTRESS. Today it‘s my 10th, BEFORE YOU KNOW KINDNESS (2004). Fun fact: the lobster boy character? That's me. Also, though I was and am a vegetarian, I spent days in the woods with deer hunters researching this novel.
Nope. Nope nope nope. The way the characters talked? Nope. The male author writing as a dead female veterinarian? Nope. The end?!? NOPE. (Ok, it wasn‘t TERRIBLE, but I truly disliked this book). (22)
⭐️: 1.75/5
After a quick glance at attitudes to animals in various traditions around the world, the author goes on to discuss approaches in the modern Western tradition, focussing on moral philosophy and then applying the ideas to various practical matters such as animal husbandry, pets and zoos, and animal experimentation.
Interesting but mainly serves as an introduction to one perspective rather than the idea in general.
It gives Project X vibes, but goes so very beyond it. Love, love, loved it!!
#BookBinge #InvolvesAnimals
My novel BEFORE YOU KNOW KINDNESS was published in 2004. I view it as a novel about animal rights and (yes) a dysfunctional family. But today a reader reminded me that page one describes the horrors a bullet inflicts on any animal…including humans.
Continuing to plow through books that have been sitting on my shelf for too long…Started this one yesterday and I‘m loving it so far!