King A to Z: U is for Under the dome.
I've read half of this book and really enjoyed it. Then other things happened and I never finished it. Is it worth finishing?
King A to Z: U is for Under the dome.
I've read half of this book and really enjoyed it. Then other things happened and I never finished it. Is it worth finishing?
“From outside came a sudden and loud music of birds celebrating their existence.”
—Stephen King, The Talisman ✨✨✨✨✨ .
• Day 20: T is for... Talisman #atozkingchallenge
#constantreader #sk_fans #thetalisman #stephenking #peterstraub #stephenkingbooks #stephenkingrules #stephenkingfan #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #booklover #readordie #bookdragon #bibliophile #bookstagram #reading #libraryofinstagram #bookpics #epicreads