Rereading this absolute classic on the front porch this afternoon with my newest reading buddy #frontporchread #vampiresarecool #babieswhoread
Rereading this absolute classic on the front porch this afternoon with my newest reading buddy #frontporchread #vampiresarecool #babieswhoread
My little Book Dragon found my Vampirina set up after her nap yesterday and plopped down with them to read 😍😍😍 #BabyBookDragon #startthemearly #babieswhoread #momlife
I've been trying not to really post pics of LO since I've gotten more followers, but I couldn't skip sharing this one especially since her face isn't showing... It's her favorite book. I've given her several others (as you can see), and she keeps going for that particular one ❤ P.S. please excuse the messiness of her play yard, she pulls up the foam mat & we are working on trying to get her to put toys away! #startthemearly #babieswhoread #thebest