Happy #NAIDOC ! I‘ve been listening this this one and am mesmerised by Wright‘s writing.
Happy #NAIDOC ! I‘ve been listening this this one and am mesmerised by Wright‘s writing.
It‘s the opening of #NAIDOC week, a national celebration of Australian Aboriginal culture. This year‘s theme is #becauseofherwecan.
My beautiful Aboriginal son is headed to the Perth opening ceremony with his dad (my ex) today.
I am #currentlyreading Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia & planning a trip to the Northern Territory using Marcia Langton‘s Welcome to Country: a travel guide to Indigenous Australia. 👏📚✈️
It‘s NAIDOC here in Australia. If you‘re looking for some great reads by Aboriginal authors, make sure you check out indigenousx on twitter https://twitter.com/indigenousx/status/1014971356801142784?s=21
It‘s being run by author Dr Anita Heiss this week - she has asked for favourites and is getting some awesome responses (the tagged book is one of mine)