Straight men, are you okay? Straight white men, are you specifically okay? This entire book is an ode to the idea that it‘s about damned time we abandon our insistence on a binary view of life, love, sexuality, attraction, and gender.
GingerAntics This book is also very clear on how the toxic masculinity that harms women actually turns on itself in hazing rituals, ultimately using that violence and domination over weaker members of the group to reiterate and perpetuate itself. There is nothing healthy going on here. No, men are not okay. Straight men are not okay. Straight white men are absolutely not okay. Sadly, they are the ones most fervently fighting to keep things this way. 1d
GingerAntics #JaneWard #NotGay #men #whitemen #straightmen #masculinity #ToxicMasculinity #gay #straight #binary #genderbinary #sexualbinary 1d