WHEN LIFE IMITATES ART 🖼 #bookishgal #recharging #readinggoal #readinglife
WHEN LIFE IMITATES ART 🖼 #bookishgal #recharging #readinggoal #readinglife
my first book of the year...for anyone who is addicted to pasta...lots of good recipes & sauces in this book... #readinggoal #readinglife #bookishgal
woooot...i completed reading goal this year 31/30...so proud of me this is the most i‘ve read in a year since i‘m a slow reader but thanks to audiobooks i was able to double my goal from previous years 😁 #readinglife #bookishgal #readinggoal
so-so book but awesome reading spot... #readinglife #bookishgal #todaysreadingspot #readinggoal
starting this today...my last book for the year...#readinggoal #bookishgal
enjoyed the quiet afternoon with some tea & the third book on my tbr for the #11thHourReadathon #readinggoal #bookishgal
almost done with the second book on my tbr for the #11thHourReadathon #readinggoal #bookishgal
one of the books on my tbr for my first readathon with the @EclecticReaders #11thHourReadathon #readinggoal #bookishgal
dat dat dat... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle i loved & hated the ending...did she or didnt she? ugh 😑