dat dat dat... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle i loved & hated the ending...did she or didnt she? ugh 😑
dat dat dat... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle i loved & hated the ending...did she or didnt she? ugh 😑
loving this so far...#quoteoftheday #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #alwayswithmykindle
my spot for today...the sound of waves crashing is sooo relaxing 🌊 🌊 🌊 he picture doesn‘t do it justice 😏😒😐#booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #todaysreadingspot
TONIGHT IS COLD ENOUGH TO USE THE FIREPLACE WOOHOO🔥 🔥 🔥 #spoiled #fireplace #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #mycurrentread #todaysreadingspot #alwayswithmykindle
let‘s see if this gets me out of my reading slump...hope so...enjoying this hot chocolate on this chilly Cali night... #booknerdforlife #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #hotchocolatekindanight
“EATING & READING ARE TWO PLEASURES THAT COMBINE ADMIRABLY” C.S. LEWIS #hungryreader #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #fortheloveofreading #mycurrentread
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ME!!!!! WOOOT WOOT!!!!! #booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #beingabookworm #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #bookheaven #fortheloveofreading #bookwormsunite #bookworm
I KNOW HALLOWEEN IS OVER BUT BETTER LATE THAN NEVER LOL...#booknerdforlife #imallbooked #inmyownworld #shuttingoutreality #killingmytbr #beingabookworm #bookishgal #myreadinglife #readersgonnaread #bookheaven #mycurrentread #fortheloveofreading #bookwormsunite #bookworm