#BookMadness #MarchMadness #ReadingBracket2024 #TopRead2024
April: Passing by Nella Larsen
May: A Shadow Intelligence by Oliver Harris
But R.F. Kuang remains undefeated with A Dragon Republic — but it was VERY close.
#BookMadness #MarchMadness #ReadingBracket2024 #TopRead2024
April: Passing by Nella Larsen
May: A Shadow Intelligence by Oliver Harris
But R.F. Kuang remains undefeated with A Dragon Republic — but it was VERY close.
#BookMadness #MarchMadness #ReadingBracket2024 #TopRead2024
January: The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
February: Dead Wake by Erik Larson
March: View From the Cheap Seats by Neil Gaiman
Bonus: The Burning God by R.F. Kuang (from January)
Or riding into the sunrise with a girl on a red horse.
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This book sale chaos is making me anxious. 😬
#AllTheBooks #LibraryBookSale #ForAGoodCause #BookMadness #OrderInAisle4 #BeKindToBooks