Look what was available on Libby and is also on my TBR! Just started this one 😄 Keeping those #bookolutions
Look what was available on Libby and is also on my TBR! Just started this one 😄 Keeping those #bookolutions
My #bookolutions #in2019 are:
📚Read exclusively off my TBR list! Exception for book club 😉 Hoping to get some of the hardcovers in the picture above finally read! #MountTBR
📚Continue reading more nonfiction.
📚Read 75 books.
📚Read more thoughtfully and more diversely.
I have no idea what (if any) #readingchallenges or #resolutions I made for this year. But I'm looking into a couple challenges for 2019 and I really like this one by the Reading Women podcast!
My tagged book The Bone People is an excellent book I read in college that is by a New Zealand author (#3)
#ReadingWomenChallenge #Bookolutions