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Mad March Hares | Vikki Yeates
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My March #Bookspin list.
Can you tell l tried to add a lot of Irish writers? ☺️
#Ireland #TheEmeraldIsle #springiscoming #spring #Bookspinbingo #March2024
@TheAromaofBooks @PuddleJumper
Going to combine this with #TPRC #Gottacatchemall #Roll100 and a few other #readingchallenges, as usual...
- edited for typos-

TheSpineView Good luck! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 5mo
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Found all #WickedWords for #January ❄️🖤

Hotel, Writer and Winter I got in 'Hotel Africa',
Caretaker was mentioned twice in 'Looker' by Laura Sims.
Of course, Colorado was going to be hardest to find for me, as I'm not a citizen of North America. But today, when determining what to read next, I found this in the flap of the tagged book.
@AsYouWish #wordsearch #readingchallenges

Beyond That, the Sea | Laura Spence-Ash
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One of those little surprise books, it‘s engrossing and just deals with life really (though obviously starts in WW2). A bit melancholy and sad occasionally. But a really good read.

KadaGul @TrishB I have a copy and I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate this in my few local library reading Challenges. #Publiclibrary #ReadingChallenges 7mo
Megabooks Great review! 7mo
TrishB @KadaGul hope you manage to read! 7mo
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RebelReader One of my favorites of 2023! 7mo
lynneamch Looking forward to this one. My bookclub chooses for the whole year and this one isn't until April. 6mo
TrishB @lynneamch hope you enjoy 👍🏻 6mo
TrishB @RebelReader a good read 👍🏻 6mo
RebelReader @TrishB I listened to the audio version which was so well done. 6mo
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Untitled | Anonymous
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1. I hope to be able to read 50 books.
But that's just a veeeery tentative goal, as (as I said for about 1000 times here 😉), my life is about survival of my mental health abysses somehow atm, so any reading is a gift...

2. Yep, #Bookspin , #Gottacatchemall and, very loosely, #Roll100
Most of the #Readathons @Andrew65 hosts.
And I suppose I'll join a ton of #Halloween reading challenges in October 🧡

#Two4Tuesday #readingchallenges #Litsy

TheSpineView Good luck with your goals and challenges. Happy Tuesday 7mo
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Four Fours | CD Moulton
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Clwojick So fun! Love these prompts! 7mo
CoffeeNBooks Awesome- thanks! 7mo
willaful Krampus campus 🤣🤣🤣 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Oooo thanks!! 7mo
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Reading Challenge | Lesley Yates
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It's only October and I'm almost there!

Do I revise my target upward, or rest on my laurels and pick up Hild and the next Outlander?


Amiable Read the chunkster(s) you may have been putting off to reach your goal total! 9mo
Lauredhel @Amiable I feel like I really lack the patience for chunksters compared to Teenage Me those many years ago, but I did recently read the first Outlander without feeling like it dragged, so I might give it a go. 9mo
Amiable @Lauredhel I always loved chunksters but found myself leaving them in the shelves in recent years while I was chasing a self-imposed GR goal total. So a few years ago I set my goal at 1 book. Which I usually meet by Jan. 2. 😀 And then set a page total goal of 40,000 pages on Storygraph. That encourages me to pick up the longer reads. 9mo
Lauredhel @Amiable Good tactic! 9mo
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The Faint of Heart | Kerilynn Wilson
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Oh, and a random fill for the second-last prompt in my #hbreadingembrace challenge! Baboon Hearts.

#readingchallenge #readingchallenges

Lumberjanes Vol. 17 | Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh
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I reckon that faded denim vest is #Skylight. #Pantone2023 @clwojick

Also there's a kitten-napping, so this will do for #KittyDitty in #fourfoursin23 !


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Currently doing some more #audiojournaling as I‘ve somehow ended up with a list of about 50-60 #ReadingChallenges for 2023. And I might have gone a little crazy acquiring a #stationeryhaul that may or may not be larger than what is in this picture🤦🏻‍♀️And I‘m no artist!! Why do I do this to myself?!? #JumpStart2023 #JoyousJanuary #readathon

wanderinglynn That looks awesome! 😍 2y
Chrissyreadit Looks like fun! 2y
Clwojick I‘m the exact same! I do this every year! 😂 2y
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Lynnsoprano I‘m the same way! I love the stuff, even though I have no visual art skills 😂 2y
KateReadsYA Anything you create is a part of you so it'll be beautiful 🥰 2y
Andrew65 50 - 60! wow! Go you!!! Good luck! #TeamLizPixie 2y
GondorGirl I've spent most of this week listening to audiobooks while I set up my reading journal for the year. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a few too many markers... 😅 2y
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