This short story collection about hardscrabble life in California‘s Central Valley was 5⭐️ all the way! A cast of miners, cowboys, and outsiders brings a sense of stark sadness to an area of the country that is rapidly changing with the climate. “Women and Children” evoked shades of Denis Johnson. “Lyra” has one of the best twists I‘ve encountered. The complex love in “Raisin Man” was heartbreaking. I‘ll return to this one again!
Cinfhen Love how your flowers match the book cover ❣️I feel like I read something else from this author!??? 3y
Cinfhen Oh now I see… Godshot!! Wow, I really hated that book 3y
Cinfhen This is strictly short stories and not an interconnected novel?? 3y
See All 15 Comments
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover!! 3y
Megabooks @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yes! 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen it is strictly short stories. I‘m thinking about reading Godshot, but it sounds a lot like this, which I recently read and disliked so I‘m going to wait a bit. 3y
The Burning Season: A Novel
vivastory You got me with the Denis Johnson comparison! Beautiful flowers 3y
SamAnne Sounds up my alley. 3y
BarbaraBB A beautiful picture and such a great review! 3y
Megabooks @vivastory thank you! I think you‘d really enjoy this. 👍🏻 3y
Megabooks @SamAnne enjoy! It was very good! 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thank you on both counts! 3y
Centique This is definitely stacked. And also impressive flower matching! I think this should be a skill with a posh name to go with it, much like matching wine to food! #booksommelier You and @Cinfhen 😘 3y
Cinfhen xxxx @Centique 3y
Cinfhen I‘m pretty sure YOU already read Godshot, Meg! I think we did a buddy read 🤪🤔🤭 3y