#riotgrams #celestial
One day I will get to this. 4321 is taking me forever to read. It's really good but it requires a book monogamy that is not typical for me. I've had to abandon other books while I make my way through 4321.
Perhaps this will be my next read.
Laalaleighh 😂😂😂 book monogamy. I love that term. 8y
JenP @Laalaleighh 😂. I'm not very good at it either 8y
Laalaleighh @JenP I need an open relationship with my books! #bookswinger 🙈 8y
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tstan 🤣I have a confession to make. I'm a book polygamist, too. Yesterday I was with Neil Gaiman, Salman Rushdie and Sebastian Faulks. Today, it's Rushdie and Fumiko Enchi. Yes, I get around. And I'll do it again! 8y
JenP @Laalaleighh ha ha! 8y
JenP @tstan me too (normally). But 4321 is particularly needy. You will like it too 8y
BookishMarginalia I'm with @Laalaleighh and @tstan -- in fact, I'm all for book polyamory! 8y
Laalaleighh @BookishMarginalia hear! hear! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 8y