I‘m DYING. This is even more ridiculous and hilariously bad than I had hoped! 😂 #themister #eljames #lockdownlit #cantbelieveimactuallyreadingthis #buthereweare #ohlookitschristiangreyBUTTHISTIMEBRITISH #andanaisanalbanianmaidWITHATRAGICPAST
I‘m DYING. This is even more ridiculous and hilariously bad than I had hoped! 😂 #themister #eljames #lockdownlit #cantbelieveimactuallyreadingthis #buthereweare #ohlookitschristiangreyBUTTHISTIMEBRITISH #andanaisanalbanianmaidWITHATRAGICPAST
It's so lovely to be up at 3am thinking about how I could've answered the interview questions better" said no one ever. #buthereweare #andsoitgoes