Looking forward to the Dworkin reissues! (Great covers imo.) I‘ve read 2 of these 3, and had to read them as pdfs 🙃 so we‘re well overdue for the reprint.
Looking forward to the Dworkin reissues! (Great covers imo.) I‘ve read 2 of these 3, and had to read them as pdfs 🙃 so we‘re well overdue for the reprint.
With all due respect, if you couldn‘t answer that question the first time, you shouldn‘t be running for the office you‘re running for. I don‘t want a president who panders to a base who can‘t accept an honest answer.
This autobiography of the popular governor of Florida (Ron DeSantis) makes a compelling case for why he should be the next POTUS. Desantis is man of integrity, a conservationist, a conservative, and an overall champion of freedom and the rule of law.
The riot itself is actually the least interesting aspect of this book. What was far more interesting is the history and politics that lead up to it, and Kuhn tells that tale masterfully. This is the story of how the Democratic party lost the white, middle class voter, and why they shouldn't have. Worst of all, Kuhn shows how Democrats learned nothing from it, and continue to make the same mistakes to this very day.
Sadly, nothing has changed. Today, Liberals get behind pieces of shit like Ta-Nehesi Coates, who was thrilled on 9/11 because white firefighters were killed.
It's sad how the Left still makes the very same mistakes.