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This was my #Roll100 pick for June.

It was okay and had some interesting parts, but overall I didn‘t feel like I learnt much about rabies, and a lot of the book was anecdotal.

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 3mo
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I previously read a fascinating book about the 2014 Ebola outbreak from a physician, but this one goes deeper. Farmer starts with that event then goes deeper into the past to show how Sierra Leone and Liberia came to be health care deserts via colonialism. You then comes forward again to show how radically different things could be with just basic supportive care. Terrific and sobering.

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Listening to this 22 hr audiobook is an investment but one that pays dividends. Farmer, a doctor on the frontlines of the 2014 Ebola crisis, writes about the history of Sierra Leone and Liberia from the slave trade and founding of these countries to the current politics and extractive trading. He explains why these countries are healthcare deserts from a historical perspective and gives ideas how we can better prepare for the next health crisis.

BarbaraBB You‘re my hero! 22 hours!! Did you recapture your love for audio? 4mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB mostly yes! Although I have to be a lot more invested to finish a book now. 4mo
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So you may have noticed I haven‘t written an audiobook review in awhile. I‘m still listening to them, but I‘m not enjoying it as much. With all the aides coming and going, I rarely get uninterrupted listening time anymore. However, I decided to leap into a super-long (22 hour) one about the 2013-15 Ebola outbreak and an sociological history of those countries, and I‘m really enjoying it! It‘s a bit slow going, but maybe I‘ll love audio again!

Bookwormjillk Glad you got some audiobook time in. So hard with constant interruptions. I have this one in my TBR so will be looking for your review. 4mo
Lizpixie I‘d love to read this but am struggling to find the audiobook. Where did you get it from if I may ask? 4mo
squirrelbrain I hope it gets you back into audiobooking 🤞😘 4mo
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ImperfectCJ @Lizpixie I don't know where @Megabooks got it, but I'm seeing it on Libby (through Los Angeles Public Library but not through my smaller libraries), on Cloud Library through San Diego Public Library, and on libro.fm 4mo
ImperfectCJ @Lizpixie I don't know about availability outside the US, but the audiobook is published by Dreamscape Media: https://www.dreamscapepublishing.com/single-audiobook/?titleid=1772 4mo
Megabooks @Lizpixie hi! Sorry I went shopping all morning. I picked this up on Libro.fm. I think @squirrelbrain has used their website/audiobooks outside the US. They are DRM free. @ImperfectCJ 4mo
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk so far it‘s very worth the time investment! 4mo
squirrelbrain @Lizpixie - yes, I‘ve used Libro.fm here in the UK. I‘ve been gifted audiobooks through the site from Littens in the US, and have also been able to reciprocate with gifts back again. 4mo
BarbaraBB It sounds like your kind of book. I hope it will reconnect you with audio! 4mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB it is my kind of book, and I‘m really enjoying it! 4mo
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My #Roll100 for June is Rabid.

Been on the TBR forever. Very likely it has come up before and I just didn‘t get to it 😂

PuddleJumper 😂 4mo
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First off, this is an older book. Published about 1994, so its a little dated. It was before the time of Ebola outbreak in 2014, when a lot of people hadn‘t even heard of the virus yet. This book gives a summary of the then Reston Outbreak in Reston VA. It can get a little gory at times, but overall it‘s a solid read and can prove that truth is better (and scarier) than fiction…

Read more at: FictionLux

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Wow, it was so interesting! Thank you, @catiewithac, for sending this to me. It's funny because the topic of rabies came up at work the other day, and my coworkers thought it was strange how familiar I seemed with the disease. 😁

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 6mo
ShelleyBooksie That face 😍♥️ 6mo
ShelleyBooksie It's a great book! 6mo
ElizaMarie @ShelleyBooksie Ha yes! She looks so annoyed with me! (Normally she is) 6mo
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@catiewithac starting this one during my infusion 💉Its already gripping me in 🐺

thanks again for your kindness and friendship :)

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This book is a fascinating look at the 1918 flu, focusing on the US and taking the time to set the stage in politics and medicine before the pandemic occurred. It‘s eminently readable and I didn‘t want to put it down. I do feel like it left a couple threads hanging, but that didn‘t take away from the book for me.

LeahBergen That face! ❤️ 6mo
AmyG Someone is wide awake! (And it‘s not you Holly 🤣) 6mo
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1. Rabid - Bill Wasik
2. Cabin Fever - Michael Smith
3. How to Be A Good Creature - Sy Montgomery

@DinoMom , @DebbieGrillo, @AmyG - wanna play?

dabbe You've given me more to look into! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 7mo
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