Pretty sure this was Parker‘s 3rd #littlefeministbookclub book. #littlefeminist #malala #malalayousafzai #malalasmagicpencil #diverselibrary #childrensbooks #diversechildrenslibrary
Pretty sure this was Parker‘s 3rd #littlefeministbookclub book. #littlefeminist #malala #malalayousafzai #malalasmagicpencil #diverselibrary #childrensbooks #diversechildrenslibrary
Not 100% sure but I think this was Parker‘s second book from #littlefeministbookclub it came with a magnifying glass that was large to be easy for little hands to hold but did actually work. Parker really likes this book. #janegoodall #childrensbooks #diversity #diversechildrenslibrary #littlefeminist