I would incorporate this book into my classroom to talk about adversities that other people endure around the world. This book would be a great conversation starter for many moral mini lessons.
I would incorporate this book into my classroom to talk about adversities that other people endure around the world. This book would be a great conversation starter for many moral mini lessons.
“I wanted to see everything, fix everything, and make it all right.”
Use this book to discuss courage, advocacy, and the importance of education. A good follow-up activity could be for students to write or draw what they would change with a magic pencil.
Malala Yousafzai tells her own story of wishing for a magic pencil to make things better. When her dream is shattered by injustice, she finds courage to speak up for girls' education.
Malala Yousafzai's 'Malala's Magic Pencil' is an autobiographical picture book that shares her dreams for a better world and her journey as an advocate for girls' education. With vibrant illustrations, it encourages children to believe in the power of their voices. This book can be used to teach about global issues, activism, and the importance of education for all
Helps children find the magic even in hard situations and find their voice that could inspire change.
Biography. Excellent picture book that recounts Malalas story and inspires young reader to find the magic around them. Teaches reader to make change and hold on to hope in the hard times.
This book was written by Malala Yousafzai herself and is the story about her as a young girl who wanted a magic pen to solve all of her problems.
This book was published in 2017 and was written by Malala Yousafzai. It speaks about how she wished for a magical pen that could solve her problems. It also shows how strong and courageous she was.
“My voice became so powerful that the dangerous men tried to silence me“
This story has beautiful illustrations that are very welcoming and light. It brings a dark story some beauty. Also, in some areas, there is a lot of writing and in some others, there is very minimal text. This would be a good read aloud book, or buddy reading!
Malala Yousafzai. This is an autobiography. She writes her life story in third person. It has a lot of information on her situation without going super in depth and getting really morbid. It is an important and inspiring story, so now that it is a picture book, there is more of an audience t hear the story.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafazai tells a story inspired by her own childhood. This nonfiction picture book tells the story of Malala living in Pakistan making a wish for a magic pencil. As she ages, her wishes come more important. She wishes to fix the world‘s problems and realizes she can do that by working hard everyday. This book would be great for an author study because it‘s a story based from her own experiences! #ucflae3414sp21
What are some of your favorite inspiring books for kids?? 📚
We just read Speak Up, She Persisted, Malala's Magic Pencil and The World Needs More Purple People that my kids absolutely loved.
I think I had a pretty successful book haul today 🥰
“One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world” -Malala Yousafzai ✨Fav quote! The book “Malala‘s Magic Pencil” was written by Malala and illustrated By Kerascoet. Malala, a girl living in Pakistan wished for a magic pencil to change the reality she was living and fix a world that needed fixing. As she grew older she realized her magic was inside and she finally had a voice to speak up in hard times. #ucflae3414su20
Malala's Magic Pencil is excellent B book .It was written by Malala Yousafza and illustrated by Marie Pommepuy and Sébastien Cosset ; and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.This is excellent book that can be RA for students in the 1st grade or higher. Malalas‘s story is incredible,she dreamed of a pencil that changed the world.However; one day while leaving school her life was changed and her story was heard worldwide. #ucflae3414su20
Malala‘s Magic Pencil is a Jane Addams awarded book and B written by Malala Yousafzai. It tells the tale and struggle of a young girl named Malala. She has big dreams and aspirations she hopes to fulfill through magic, but realizes that to make them come true she must use the power of her education and voice to be seen, heard, and move the world. A RA works well for sharing this tale with readers.
#BloomingBibliophiles Day 15: Writing home & writing #peace in a magic pencil is the central theme in this picturebook bio of Malala. Over & above the empowering message, I was also moved by the sense of place that was accomplished through Kerascoët‘s art. The pile of rubble, gouged-out buildings, laundry hanging on strings behind walled fences-the sense of home can be smelled, tasted, felt through the pages. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-gJ7
This book by Malala Yousafzai won a Jane Austen award for inspiring young women. It is a F book that I would use for a RA or a PR. This lesson plan https://www.worldbookday.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Primary-Teaching-Ideas-M... is comprehensive and amazing for many grades. #ucflae3414f19
This is a B picture book by Malala Yousafzai and illustrated by Kerascoët. It is about how, when she was younger, she wished for a magic pencil to solve her problems. As she got older, her problems got more serious, she wasn‘t allowed to go to school anymore but she persisted. She traded in her magic pencil for a real one and started writing and sharing her story for others to stand behind her and fight for women‘s education. #ucflae3414f19
This B by Malala Yousafzai is a beautiful and eye opening retelling of her life. She recalls her hopes and wishes and how she created the magic she had once wished for. The story follows as she brings hope to people around the world. I adore the quote in the book “One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world.” It would make a great AS or RA. #UCFLAE3414SU19
My almost third grader and I listened to this one together. We‘ve read picture books about Malala Yousafzai, but this short chapter book was a more in-depth look at this amazing young woman and her fight for girls‘ rights.
Biography. This is a wonderful book for young children that introduces them to an amazing you g woman who fought and continues to fight for what is right.
Malala‘s Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai and illustrated by Kerascoët, 2017. This is a wonderfully told and beautifully illustrated story of the life of Malala Yousafzai as told by Malala herself. One of the strongest and most influential figures of our time has turned her life into a wonderful children‘s book.
“One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world” ❣️ Malala‘s Magic Pencil is a heartwarming B story written by Malala herself. When Malala was a girl she wished for a magic pencil. At first she wanted one to erase the smell of garbage in her city and to sleep an extra hour in the morning. But as she got older and she noticed that girls in her country weren‘t allowed to go to school anymore, she picked up a real pen and made
✏️✨ Malala‘s Magic Pencil is a wonderful B that tells the life story of Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education, she survived an attack from a Taliban gunman in 2012, and is the youngest person to receive a Nobel Peace Prize. The story is based around what Malala would‘ve done if she had the magic pencil that she wished for every night. #LAE3414sp19
#ANewChapter #IHaveADream @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Dreams can come true. Hold on to it and make it happen... ❤️
Pretty sure this was Parker‘s 3rd #littlefeministbookclub book. #littlefeminist #malala #malalayousafzai #malalasmagicpencil #diverselibrary #childrensbooks #diversechildrenslibrary
What a great #childrensbook! I love the positive message and it‘s a great book about the power of education and having a voice.
Malala‘s Magic Pencil is a New York Times Best Seller, and a picture book autobiography. Malala tells her story in a narrative designed for children, while encouraging them to find their magic. I think that it would be interesting to look at Malala Yousafzai for an author study. She has only written this one book for children so it would be quite a contrast to other authors. #ucflae3414sp18
#AprilBookishMadness #ChildProtagonist
Read this book while I toured the United Nations building, in NYC, back in December.
5⭐️ simple yet beautiful
There are so many wonderful picture book biographies out there for kids now, I decided to highlight them in a display for women's history month. I included some photos and a list of names to see if kids – or parents – could match 'em up.