I confess, nothing came to mind from today‘s #LilithJuly prompt, but Google lead me to this “exciting British crime thriller” on Kindle Unlimited. Only gets a 3.67 rating on Goodreads though...
I confess, nothing came to mind from today‘s #LilithJuly prompt, but Google lead me to this “exciting British crime thriller” on Kindle Unlimited. Only gets a 3.67 rating on Goodreads though...
Day 25 - #BrassInPocket #The Pretenders #LilithJuly
Listen here: https://youtu.be/-7Hy7uAb_eU
Josef. Isabel. Mahmoud. Hands down ☝🏼THIS☝🏽 is a book to give to kids who like survival stories, adventure stories, historical stories. This is such an important book. #ReadingEmpowers #tdscampread18 #weneeddiversebooks #adventure #fastpace #bookbento