Finished with one and on to another! Walk On Earth A Stranger has such a fascinating setting and concept; a girl with the magical ability to sense gold in the Wild West? Yes please! And I've heard so many good things about it, I can't wait to jump right in!
#booknerd #booklove #historicalfantasy #currentlyreading #yaadventure #litsy #funsetting #goldrush #newbook #newread
SpeculativeFemale I've never heard of that book, but the description sounded so interesting I just had to add it to my stack! #blameitonLitsy 8y
Katpie1701 @SpeculativeFemale Woohoo! 😄I heard about it through my library's teen book club. I'm always down for a historical fantasy adventure, I just hope it lives up to expectations! 8y
Librariana I bought Station Eleven as part of a "Buy 2, get one free" and I can't wait to get to it! ? How did you like it? 8y
Katpie1701 @Librariana I really enjoyed it! It was so different from any other sci-if/dystopia stuff that I've read, and the writing was wonderful. I definitely recommend it! 😊 8y