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Lords of the Bow | Conn Iggulden
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Book 2 of the Conqueror series, continues the story of Genghis Khan and his conquest of Chin. The battle scenes in the book are a particular highlight as they explore Genghis Khan's strategies and leadership skills. A great amount of research has gone into this work and Iggulden's writing is crisp as he makes all characters come alive.

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Genghis Khan has always been an enigmatic ruler for me. This is book one of The Conqueror series. Fast-paced with crisp writing. Never a dull moment.

Now currently reading the next book 'Lords of the bow“ and it gets better. 🤘

IndianBookworm Have you read about that weird curse theory of Genghis Khan's tomb? 1y
Parvez @IndianBookworm this book does not mentions it but I just googled and it seems to be interesting. World will end once his tomb is discovered. 1y
IndianBookworm Also, there was this weird coincidence with the discovery of his tomb and the invasion of Nazis 1y
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Parvez @IndianBookworm that's interesting. I have some non-fiction books on Genghis Khan to be read. What are you reading right now? 1y
IndianBookworm Immersely involved in this and it isn't letting me read anything else. Also it's a huge ass book, can't finish it and can't put it down dilemma! 😂 What about you? 1y
Parvez @IndianBookworm reading non-fiction right now - Guns,Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. Also am on 3rd book of conqueror series ( Genghis Khan)by Conn iggulden. 1y
IndianBookworm How many books are there in that series? And are they all about Genghis Khan? 1y
Parvez @IndianBookworm It's a 5 book series called “The Conqueror Series“. It gets better and better as you go along. Recently I have been drawn to the fantasy genre and now exploring which book I should read to start with. I have already read “The Meluha Series“ by Amish and a couple of Ashwin Sanghi books. But now looking into International authors. 1y
IndianBookworm How was Ashwin Sanghi? I've been meaning to give him a try. Try Neil Gaiman's books. 1y
Parvez @IndianBookworm He was good. Better than Chetan Bhagat I say. Read Rozabal Line, Chanakya's chant, and Sialkot Saga. All of them are fast-paced thrillers with a decent plot. Will check Gaiman. Watched the American God Tv series. 1y
IndianBookworm You should watch 'Good omens' (based on the book by Neil Gaiman) on Amazon prime. 😍 1y
Parvez @IndianBookworm 👍 👍 1y
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The title is somewhat misleading, at least to me it suggested that it would be about Genghis Khan's wives, but actually it's more about the women around him, a wife, daughters, daughters-in-law, a slave.
These women weren't all queens by title, but they were definitely queens by their strength and attitude. I enjoyed reading their stories and finding out about what happened in their lives when men went to conquer.

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This is a very interesting book that gave me a totally different perspective about the Mongol conquests. It‘s not a big history book but it packs a punch and once again makes me realize that much of my schooling was basically propaganda.

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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Queen of the Desert

Klou Brilliant choice! 2y
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A Hero Born | Jin Yong

This is the first ever English translation from Chinese of Jin Yong‘s classic historical fantasy tale of kung fu masters and evil empires by Anna Holmwood. Originally published in 1958 (the first in a quartet), it has an action-driven, energetic plot and although the portrayal of grumpy kung-fu masters seems stereotypical now, it was innovative at the time and there‘s a lot of fun to be had in seeing the various masters compete with each other.

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#bookhaul ☺️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Nice photo 💚📚 2y
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Khan: Empire of Silver | Conn Iggulden
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This was a much better choice for #Tajikistan than the other book. Iggulden‘s books are always meticulously researched, well-written, and interesting. While Genghis Khan and the Mongols do get a lot of page time when it comes to nonfiction, their empire doesn‘t seem to get a lot of historical fiction love and I find the culture and time period fascinating. #readingasia2021 (3 books to go for the challenge!)

BarbaraBB You‘re racing through those final countries at the moment! 3y
DGRachel @BarbaraBB UAE is up next in audio and I think I‘m going to listen to my book for Timor-Leste instead of reading the print copy. I don‘t have audio choice for Yemen, though, so that will be a later in the month read. 3y
BarbaraBB What will you read for Yemen? 3y
DGRachel @BarbaraBB I have a digital copy of A Land Without Jasmine. I do have a note that Salmon Fishing in Yemen is available on audio, so I may switch to that one. 3y
Librarybelle You‘re so close!! 3y
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Don‘t start a book by stating there‘s almost no documentation on the mongol queens & then write a narrative history! There are no in-text citations and it really drags in some places. Genghis Khan left huge parts of his empire to his daughters, who were systematically butchered & tortured by their brothers. The brothers lose everything. It takes another woman to try to piece it back together after decades of corruption and cruelty. 2/5 stars

RedxoHearts Aw so cute and fluffy! 3y
iread2much @RedxoHearts 😊 thank you 3y
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I can't believe I have read 2 books about Genghis Khan this year (when I knew next to nothing about him prior to this year 😂)! This one also covers Genghis Khan's descendants and how they helped shape China and the rest of the world.
Read this for #readingasia2021 . It covers alot of countries but I think I will be using it for #Uzbekistan as this was one of the places that Genghis conquered