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Joined July 2018

With Malice | Eileen Cook

"I preferred crushes on unattainable people actors, musicians, or characters in books. Fictional boyfriends were way more satisfying in my experience. They always say the right thing and when you got bored with them you just put them back on the shelf."


Unknown Book 4475976 | Unknown Unknown
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We ended up being in the direct path of Hurricane Beryl and it was a rough one. Thankfully we are all safe and no damage to anything besides branches. Lots of trees down around the area though. Hoping we get power back soon but I'm staying cool with the pups since we have a generator.

I hope any close by Litsy and #LitsyLove friends are safe as well!

Librarybelle Glad you are safe! 3w
Crazeedi Hopefully all is well there! 3w
Amor4Libros Good to know you are safe! 3w
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Chrissyreadit Glad to hear you are safe and have a generator! 3w
dabbe Glad you're safe! Hang in there! 💚💙💚 3w
Ruthiella Good to know you are Ok! ❤️ 3w
Darklunarose Glad you are safe and really hope they can restore your power soon. 3w
Deblovestoread Glad you made it through safe! 3w
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I started this one last month for #ReadYourKindle but unfortunately I finally just bailed on it. I thought a cute romance plus dog themed would be perfect for me but this one just wasn't. I didn't really connect with the characters or storyline. I did find out this was book 2 of a series so I don't know if that made a difference or not. So a DNF for me but also a "win" for reading through my kindle books.

@cbee #ReadYourKindle #ReadYourEbooks

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3w
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Shadow Witch | Kim Richardson
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I'm just writing this about the whole series in general. I loved the characters. I always love a good funny family dynamic. There are lots of different paranormal species in Hollow Cove. I liked that the author went with a different type of main character shifter than the typical wolf. This one features a big gorilla. I also think she also did a good job with some more unique storylines especially towards the last few books.
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RedxoHearts The negatives for me were the cringey spicy scenes and the amount of cursing. Just a warning before you listen to the audiobooks. Besides that I just have one main oddly specific complaint about the series. The fact that Tessa just keeps describing her aunts the same ways over and over again. 3w
RedxoHearts If you made it through the series you know the aunts well. For example she talked about Dolores she's the tall aunt and Ruth is her cute aunt. It got old quickly but besides that I really enjoyed the books. 3w
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Gray Seas | Hailey Edwards
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I got so excited to see the final 3 books of the Black Hat Bureau series by Hailey Edwards were released in audiobook form. So that's what I'll be busy with this weekend

Magic Gone Wild | Kim Richardson
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Relaxing day around here. I took Chase for a ride to get a snowcone for me and a pupcup for him. Then spent my evening listening to Magic Gone Wild while I worked on my diamond painting.

#LitsyLove Hope you all have a good week as well!

JenReadsAlot I love diamond painting! 3w
dabbe #charmingchasae 🖤🐾🖤 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Chase 🐾💙 3w
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Shadow Witch | Kim Richardson
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Here's what I finished reading in June. I mostly read the Innkeeper series and then read a lot of the Witches of Hollow Cove series. The other two reads were just okay for me.

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It's one of those cases where I feel like I read a different book than everybody else. All the reviews I've seen have been glowing and high ratings. I unfortunately found this one boring. I guess I just expected more crazy shenanigans and more of a feisty side to the old girls that are behaving badly. If you are looking for a quick and simple mystery story though you may like it

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Thank you everyone for all of the birthday wishes!

Crazeedi I hope it was special! 1mo
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Not in my top favorites of the year but still a good read. In The Year of Second Chances the MC Robin learns that her deceased husband set her up a dating profile for her to move on a year after his death. The book follows her along the journey of really dealing with her grief and ultimately finding herself with what is next. She learns it's ok to take care of yourself after she's taken so much time caring for everyone else.

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Here's the #ReadYourKindle book I read for May. @CBee

There wasn't anything wrong it was just an okay book for me. I didn't really care about the characters and it was all over the place until the end. Then again that adds to the dark gritty chaotic feeling of the book. I don't think I plan to continue the series though.

Clean Sweep | Ilona Andrews
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The start of the Innkeeper series by Ilona Andrews may be one of my favorites of the year so far. More specifically the full cast "Graphic audio" book version. It was a fun immersive ride. Now onto the book itself I loved how it explained how different creature species came from. It was different from your typical Werewolf and Vampires. Small hint it involves intergalactic beings and portals.

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RedxoHearts I liked the main character Dina and finding out what she does as an Innkeeper and her powers. Also loved that it's set in small town Texas. It does open up with something has been killing the neighborhood's dogs but not too much graphic detail. 2mo
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"Is that Mom riding a grizzly bear?"


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I was looking for something a little different than I've been reading lately when I stumbled across Bad Bones. It's the start to an urban fantasy series that follows a reanimated skeleton woman named Prue. Without spoiling too much she died as a small child but her mom was a witch who couldn't let her go. As she got older a woman gives her a magical gift to look human again so she can have a normal life.

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RedxoHearts It turns out the gift let's her transform her body and clothes into anything she can picture in her mind. Now that would be a handy talent to have! In Bad Bones Prue has just landed a new job as "The Enforcer" for the supernatural community after losing her job as a Nail Artist. 3mo
RedxoHearts She's dropped into a big first assignment. Along the way she frees a Goth Flower Pixie who becomes her sidekick in solving the case. We also meet her werewolf Max and some of his shifters he has taken in to care for. Plus throw in having to track someone down in an...supernatural adult dungeon club. 3mo
RedxoHearts It all sounds strange but that's part of the charm I think. I quite enjoyed it and finished it in a day. I think if you liked the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones or Hailey Edward's urban fantasy books you would like this. 3mo
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The Hollow Dead | Darcy Coates
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Part 3 of my April reads. I loved The Great Witches Baking Show series

Sace I read (well, listened) to the first book in the Witches Baking Show series. Thanks for reminding me to go back to it! 3mo
RedxoHearts @Sace it was good! I love all of her other paranormal cozy mystery series. When I first tried this book I just couldn't get into it but luckily gave it a 2nd chance 3mo
Sace Sometimes you just need to be in the right mood for paranormal cozies. 😊 3mo
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Part 2 - I really enjoyed most of the books from last month. Has anyone read any if these?

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Part 1 of my books from April 💜

Has anyone read any of them?

InkedBookworm13 I've wanted to read Enclave for awhile. Did you like it? 3mo
RedxoHearts @InkedBookworm13 I originally read it years ago and loved it but never finished the series. Rereading the first book I still really enjoyed it. The whole series was good 3mo
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My stats from last month. I participated in a book club challenge so I read even more than usual. 29 books and the equivalent of 8033 pages. Two were graphic novels and two were written in verse. My favorite of the month was The Poisoner's Ring by Kelley Armstrong. I can't wait for the next book to release.

LiseWorks I just finished the Poisoners Ring as well. It was good. 3mo
RedxoHearts @LiseWorks the next book comes out tomorrow 3mo
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Do yall read the novellas or short stories from a series as well? I do or at least the ones I can find. Though most are just not as good for some reason.

All the Fighting Parts | Hannah V. Sawyerr
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Trying to get some reading in before going to sleep but my 2 reading buddies don't make it easy. Chase my big dog on the left and my dachshund is the Chewbacca looking lump on the right 🤣

dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 3mo
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! 😘 3mo
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Currently reading 📚

Wild Hunger | Chloe Neill
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Heirs of Chicagoland is the spin off series to Chicagoland and has 5 books. It involves the next generation of the core friendship group from Chicagoland approximately set 20 years in the future. The main character of this is Merit's daughter Elisa the only vampire ever born. Then her circle of friends finding their place in the supernatural world.

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RedxoHearts Including her kind of friend turned serious beau Connor who is Gabriel's son and a shifter. Future apex of the pack. It's a new world where the vampires and shifters have to learn to get along. Elisa also has a big secret she's been hiding from everyone her whole life. 4mo
RedxoHearts With Heirs of Chicagoland I was worried it would feel exactly the same as the other series but it didn't. I think the author did a good job at separating the kids lives from the parents. They really aren't huge characters in the Heirs books. Also I think the time jump and aging in the parent's personalities seemed natural in the storyline. 4mo
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Some Girls Bite | Chloe Neill
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Just my general thoughts on the whole Chicagoland Vampires series. There are 13 books and some novellas. Once the characters grew on me I had to binge the rest of the series. It has more spice and language than I usually prefer. If you like books like the Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones I think you'd enjoy this series as well. The main supernaturals throughout the series are vampires, shifters and sorcerers.

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RedxoHearts The main character is Merit who was turned without her consent after someone tried to murder her. The 1st book is a little slow going as Merit gets acquainted with her new world. After that she really grows into her character, new job title and makes new relationships. Without spoiling anything her new romantic relationship is kind of a cliche at first. 4mo
RedxoHearts Then further along in the series I found myself rooting for them. Cadogan House needed someone like Merit to come in and in a way challenge the system & long held traditions. 4mo
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Part 2 of my March reads. The Hollow Places by T Kingfisher was quite weird and creepy in a "good" way. Quince was a cute graphic novel. My favorite of the month though was A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong. I've already finished the 2nd book and thankfully the 3rd is releasing next month.

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Part 1 of the books I read in March. The majority of my reading was the Chicagoland Vampires and spin off series Heirs of Chicagoland. My least favorite this month was In Want Of A Knife by Nancy Warren. I was happy to see a new one of her books had been released but it just wasn't as good as her other books to me. I also wasn't a fan of the nonfiction graphic novel Roots.

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I had no idea I've read that much so far. It's only now April 🤣

AmyG Good job! 4mo
Ruthiella Wow! Impressive! 🤩 4mo
kezzlou85 Wow well done you. 4mo
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I was excited for a new book in the Vampire Book Club series by Nancy Warren. I've loved her books that I've read so far. Unfortunately though In Want Of A Knife didn't hit the mark for me. The concept of the story felt rushed and seemed out of place compared to the rest of the series. First there is Jane Austen herself and then a "director" came to town to shoot an adult film version of Pride & Prejudice. I missed the magic of Ballydehag.

iread2much That sounds very complicated 4mo
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Roots | Tara O'Connor
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I stumbled across this travel memoir graphic novel about the author's project to find out more about her genealogy. She wants something to help get her mind off the break up. So that concept sounded interesting. However I'd say the story spends most of the time on "will they or won't they" with her friend she traveled with. The art is pretty though

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If you enjoy a cute and sweet romantic read I recommend you check out Love Letters on Hazel Lane by Jennifer Page. I didn't realize it is actually book 2 but it still worked well as a standalone. I will be reading the book 1 tjough soon. I loved the premise of the story being built up around the character's passion for Scrabble. I also appreciate how relatable and "normal" the characters are.

RavenclawOwlCat What a happy little book cover! 6mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute cover 🩷💙 6mo
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The Dreamers | Karen Walker
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I was looking forward to reading this book from the same author as The Age Of Miracles. The premise of an unknown sleeping sickness racing through a college campus sounded interesting. Unfortunately it just didn't click for me so I'm bailing on it.

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It's late but I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas

RedxoHearts @SheReadsAndWrites here's my boy Chase I was talking about. :) 7mo
vonnie862 Love the smile! 7mo
AmyG That smile! 🙌🏻❤️ 7mo
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Ruthiella ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️ 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
SheReadsAndWrites OH MY GOODNESS! Love! 🥰 7mo
ElizaMarie I could just picture how much this one wants to wiggle! Gorgeous! 7mo
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Beyond Dead | Jordaina Sydney Robinson
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I came across the paranormal mystery series Afterlife Adventures and thought the premise was interesting. In Beyond Dead Bridget dies and finds out that the afterlife is a lot different than she anticipated it would be. She learns it's a lot of work and having to follow a lot of rules. She also is struggling alot with her new PO and housemates. If that wasn't bad enough someone is killing ghosts and blaming her by stuffing them in her locker.

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The Age of Miracles | Karen Thompson Walker
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If you liked the book Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer I think you would like this one as well. It's about how life goes on even in the midst of all these scary events and the slowing down of the Earth's rotation. It was creepy in a way because it reminded me a lot of the events of the last few years that we have all gone through. *Review continues in a comment.*
#RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames @Julsmarshall

RedxoHearts It's interesting to see how it all plays out from the viewpoint of a young girl. Though I would have thought older teen if it wasn't for the training bra comment and later in the book is Julia's 12th birthday. Also another important unfortunate fact shown in this story is that often uncertain times can either bring people together or turn them all against one another. 7mo
RedxoHearts Thats where some of the real danger lies that you don't consider at first. Then it ended kind of suddenly with the epilogue where Julia is an adult and the slowing has continued. I wish there was explanation of what actually happened to start it all. 7mo
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Christmas Carol | Benjamin Harper
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I saw this graphic novel version of A Christmas Carol and had to read it. It's created more for the younger crowd but all ages would enjoy it. It's short and to the point. The Ghost of Christmas Future may be a bit scary to younger kids. I plan on sharing the book with my nephews this Christmas though

#RestingGrinchFace #wintergames @Julsmarshall

Julsmarshall So cool! 7mo
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Officially bailing on this series and putting it on my DNF list. It wasn't great but ok entertainment in audiobook form. However the characters and their relationships just continue to get worse for me. I was hoping by the 2nd or 3rd book there would be more substance in the world building and character building. Also that they would address things that have happened. This is book 5 and it just isn't happening.

Julsmarshall It is a bummer when that happens but better to cut your losses 😀 7mo
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If the Broom Fits | Sara Bourgeois
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Just finished up with If The Broom Fits. Honestly it was just ok. Quick and entertaining enough but not something I'd recommend. I read a lot of cozy paranormal mysteries so i know that they can get repetitive sometimes. I just didn't find anything creative or interesting in this one. Another negative is double the insta love within days of moving to town.

##RestingGrinchFace #wintergames @Julsmarshall

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I've been busy reading this month! Mostly paranormal cozies which aren't too long. I've read more this year than ever.

#RestingGrinchFace #wintergames @Julsmarshall
@Airykah13 @katiekat311 @Bookworm54 @AmandaBlaze @tdrosebud @Coueriamb @Sarahreadstoomuch

Julsmarshall Amazing! 7mo
AmandaBlaze Great! 7mo
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Julsmarshall Amazing! Well done! 7mo
AmandaBlaze Nice work! 7mo
Airykah13 Wow, awesome job! 7mo
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I'd love to see everyone's answer! Feel free to repost tag and share.

This question was inspired by the audiobook of The Coldest Girl I'm Coldtown by Holly Black. It has random spooky sounding music that makes it sound like something is coming. It just doesn't seem to make sense where it's placed. I think it would be really cool if it is saved and used at just the right moment.


#RestingGrinchFace #wintergames @Julsmarshall

Julsmarshall I like music or sounds when it makes sense. In Bono‘s autobiography (which he reads himself) there are times that he sings and it really added to the experience. Sometimes, though, it pulls me out of the story. 7mo
RedxoHearts @Julsmarshall I agree. This one has "thriller" sounds but all of the times it's just a little off in timing. You're right it really can pull you out of the story 7mo
Sarahreadstoomuch The times it‘s done well is in between chapters (like Grapes of Wrath) or between essays (David Sedaris‘ Calypso). Otherwise it can take me out of a story. 7mo
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Whispers the Blood | Danielle Renino
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Taking advantage of the perfect weather outside

#RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames

FantasticLand: A Novel | Mike Bockoven
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I tried to read this in the past but just couldn't get into it. I tried the audiobook version this time and found it easier to understand. I liked the different voices and interview style of the book. Fantasticland is about what could happen to a group of mostly young people get stranded and lose hope as well as their humanity along the way. A hurricane is scary enough but when rescue seems nowhere in sight paranoia and chaos ensues

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Happy to report I liked the 2nd book of the Winter Witches of Holiday Haven better. I'm glad I gave it a shot because I love Danielle Garrett's books already. The series has a different author for each book. So they are all their own little stories that exist in the same world. I'm interested to see if the characters cross over later. *continued in comments*

#RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames @Julsmarshall

RedxoHearts Reindeer Runes follows a witch named Lume who lives at the Reindeer sanctuary farm near the North Pole. They take in Santa's reindeer when they retire. She has a special type of magic that calls to the pixie helpers. She's quickly sucked in to an investigation when Jack Frost goes missing. Oh and her familiar is an artic hare named Sugarplum. I thought the characters were interesting 7mo
Julsmarshall Great review! 7mo
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I've been saving this festive paranormal cozy mystery series to read for Christmas time. It's a longer series with each book written by a different author. It caught my attention because I'm a fan of some of the authors already. Unfortunately I added this 1st one to my DNF list. I'm going to try at least one of the other authors contribution to the series though.

#RestingGrinchFace #wintergames @Julsmarshall

Julsmarshall It happens! 7mo
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I just saw my book goal for the year. I thought 75 would be a stretch but I've been burning through the books this year.

##RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames @Julsmarshall

Julsmarshall Woohoo! 8mo
Ruthiella Fantastic! 👏👏👏 8mo
Meshell1313 Ah maz ing! 🙌🎉📚 8mo
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Graciouswarriorprincess Congratulations!!🎊🎉 8mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
Deblovestoread 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
Roary47 Wow! Awesome job! 8mo
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎉🎊📚😮 8mo
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Murder's a Witch | Danielle Garrett
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This one wasn't listed on here yet so I just tagged the 1st book of the series. I loved them all. Usually novellas aren't as interesting to me but I really enjoyed how this one was set up. All the stories were set up around the same event but each story followed a different character as they work together to solve the mystery involving Santa.

#RestingGrinchFace #WinterGames @Julsmarshall

Julsmarshall Sounds like fun! 8mo
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|Actual review in comments|
I was on the fence to share this one because I don't know what happened to the book/author. I don't know if it was pulled out of pub and they just didn't tell Everand. You can't find info anywhere and can't find the author in general. Nonetheless I read it and maybe will save you valuable time if you stumble across it like i did. Just pass on by.

#WinterGames #RestingGrinchFace @Julsmarshall

RedxoHearts Pt 1 - I have a hard time writing negative reviews but this was a doozy. I love cozy mysteries especially crafty/book related. This one has a book store that is the main focus. It's mostly just a side note that the MC owns a handmade shop where she dyes fabrics and creates custom clothes. So the knitting stuff on the cover is a odd. 8mo
RedxoHearts Pt 2 - The title of the book is weird too in my opinion. There was nothing light hearted or funny related anything in the story and the dyeing part really wasn't related either. None of the characters including the MC are very likeable at all. Some things just didn't make sense even by the end. 8mo
Bookwormjillk Bizarre! 8mo
Julsmarshall So strange! But thanks for the review! 8mo
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Danielle Garrett has quickly become one of my new favorite authors for cozy paranormal mysteries. These are all the first books of her series I've read so far. They all take place in the same world and the familiar characters pop up everywhere. Now I'm reading her Nine Lives Magic series

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If you like an interesting mystery book I'd recommend this one. It goes between two timelines in the life of Edie. Edie in her 80s with Alzeheimers and 1950s Edie with her friend Lucy. She's held on to many secrets for her friend that went missing and her family for many years. She forgets a lot now but is determined to find what really happened to Lucy. It follows the timelines as she has moments of clarity that help her to put pieces together.

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1. Definitely! I used to make one under the kitchen table. Though more often I made a cozy little cave in my moms big walk-in closet growing up. She always knew where to find me.

2. I can think of a bunch of options for this question. I reread the Little House series often growing up

@Thespineview #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! Happy Tuesday! 9mo
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For the second half of the month i got 619 points. Just finished my last book just in time! I think I read more than I ever have this month

#scarathlon @BookwormAHN #blackcatcrew

BookwormAHN Congratulations 🐈‍⬛️ 9mo
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