Sounds to me like he went to grad school!!! lol
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe #kote #reshi #gradschoolproblems #magic
Sounds to me like he went to grad school!!! lol
#thenameofthewind #patrickrothfuss #kvothe #kote #reshi #gradschoolproblems #magic
Ah, the paradox of graduate school.
#nurtureshock #pobronson #ashleymerryman #gradschoolproblems #education
When you take a graduate level Shakespeare course and your final paper is on poetry forms in Romeo & Juliet, and the traditions they draw upon. #gradschool #gradschoolproblems #gradstudent #shakespeare #colourcoded
I‘ve never had much success attempting to read poetry. I really want to give this one a go, though. If nothing else, I have dramatic readings of them all to help me get through.
Loving this play SO much. It‘s even helping me with my Hume paper, but it‘s way more fun to read than Hume. lol #othello #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #davidhume #gradschoolproblems #humeproblems #rsc
Some side by side reading with my sweet girl...Honestly jealous of her selection vs. mine. #gradschoolproblems #researchbasedlearning
Reading this instead of the book o actually wish I could read tonight. #MBAstudentlife #gradschoolproblems