Started this one a few days ago but haven't been able to post till now. It's interesting, and I'm enjoying the premise of the story. Also using a new Prisma filter called "Raccoon" on this pic today.
Started this one a few days ago but haven't been able to post till now. It's interesting, and I'm enjoying the premise of the story. Also using a new Prisma filter called "Raccoon" on this pic today.
Continuing along my theme this year of strong women, this account of Mata Hari was excellent. It's a quick read and a lovely, heartbreaking story. I thought I knew who/what Mata Hari was, but I learned a whole lot more about her and her life and how she became such a legendary performer. Highly recommended.
Very interesting book. I never knew much about Mata Hari, and this gives an alluring glimpse of her rise to fame and fall from grace.
Next up! I love Anna Kendrick, so I'm hoping this is a good one.
This book was beautiful and heart breaking and hopeful and just lovely. Kieran did an amazing job bringing the story of Emmanuel and her village during the Nazi occupation of France to life. Another great WWII era read. My reading buddies were right long side me as I finished this one up today.
How fitting is this quote to remind me of why our country and our people are so amazing! Happy Birthday, America! #stillproudtobeanamerican
So this pretty much explains my week that still has one more day to go. I've replaced my #bookandacuppa with a #bookandapint -uh. 😂. I may or may not eat the whole pint. Most likely not, but you really never know until you get in there. Ya know what I mean, Verne?
I've always wanted a Pen Pal. I always signed up for them in school but they never seemed to pan out. I have high hopes for this! Super excited. #litsypenpals
Starting this one tonight. Just picked it up from the library. Couldn't wait to get it when I saw the email that my hold had come in. 😊
This book was just what I needed this week. Got me out of my reading funk quick. Such an endearing story of the bond between sisters (and not just in the genetic sense). This book was full of of such a beautiful sense of hope. It was a super quick read and I highly recommend it. "A person can never truly be lost, as long as someone is looking for them."
Look at this awesome book haul! I am so blown away by all of these wonderful books! I've had several on my "wants" list for quite some time (Pachinko, Charmed Knits, My Lady Jane and Fortune Hunter). The other two, look awesome too. Such a great variety. Thanks again @Laalaleighh ! I can't wait to light a candle and dig in. ???
It's time. I've unboxed my goodies. So excited! Bookish candles, a fab tea towel, washi tape and a fun sticker. Now to see what's under this fun Frozen paper. 😁💗
My #summersantagoespostal package arrived today! Thanks @Laalaleighh ! I can't wait to open it tomorrow. @BookishMarginalia #summersolsticebookexchange
#bookandbath Sunday night episode. Getting ready for the busy week ahead with some coffee, chocolates and creative inspiration. I hope you all are enjoying the last of your weekend as well.
Excited for this new #BOTM selection. I have a few in my book 📚 of the month stack to read but this one might get a pass to the front of the line.
It's been one of those weeks. Didn't get hardly any reading done. Thank goodness for the long weekend. Lots of lazy reading time coming! Until then, here's a pic of my grumpy old man, Odin, getting his snooze on.
Finished this one on audio. Long commutes mean quick reads! Interesting premise of going on a spending fast to pay down debts. I'm considering giving it a go since it falls right in line with my abstainer personality. Budgets are not necessarily my friend but I do have great will power when I make up my mind on something. I also like how she shares how to transition from a fast to a diet.
Just a small stack of library holds to pick up today. My husband, surprisingly, wanted to join me on my library trip, and In happy to say her picked up not one but two books to read! Small victories. #takethatplaystation!
I enjoyed this one. Quick, easy read. Perfect to read in small doses. As an introvert, I truly appreciate the sensibilities shared, especially about spending time with small groups of close friends and family and enjoying simple things like slow, home cooked meals and playing board games.
Slowly savoring this little gem that I finally got from the library holds. I think this is definitely one I'll want to add to my permanent collection. It is totally in sync with everything that I enjoy in life.
@Liberty one living author/poet I've always wanted to meet is Mary Oliver. Her poetry has brought much to my life: reflection, beauty, and peace to name a few. I was first introduced to her works by a coworker (who later became a great friend) and she and I would meet weekly in the mornings before work and share our favorite poems that week with one another. When I got married, her wedding gift was a collection of Oliver's poems #KostovaGiveaway
I haven't done much reading this weekend because I've been working on a new shawl, and I'm addicted. Also, I've found The Queen of the Nigh a bit hard to get into/focus on,and I'm not sure why but I've gotta get going on it to get it finished this month. Tell me it gets more interesting.
Starting my May bookclub now since this one is a beast! 500+ pages! Hopefully it is as good as eveyone has said it is. Also, new filter in the Prisma app! This one is called "Spring Drops" and it might be my new favorite. ?
I knew nothing about Empress Elisabeth of Austria before I started this book. Elisabeth had such a tumultuous life among the Hapsburgs and what started out as a beautiful love story, ended quite sourly. Now I know I have to read the suquel Sisi to see how her life played out since this novel stopped halfway though her life.
Happy Birthday to Me! Been eagerly awaiting this order from Amazon. Now to get ready for a day of yarn shops, book shops and French bakeries. Oh and Happy 🌏 Day to you all! Don't forget to hug a tree today. 😊🌷🌻🌺🌏🌳🌲
Wow, that was a long, busy week! I don't think I've posted since last weekend. Just had a nice dinner out with the husband and am now getting ready to relax and enjoy my "dessert". Book-latte-bath. Happy Friday everyone.
Just in case anyone is wondering, (Summer Santa Swap Partner 😉) I took all the books I own off of my stacked books here on Litsy, and I promise not to buy or checkout from the library any of them until after June 21st. This has been a Public Service Announcement that I stole from another super smart Litsian. Thanks @Gayan for the idea!
This is my Women's Historical Fiction book club selection for April or as I call it BadAss Women in History. My reading buddies are distracted by all the action going on outside since everyone is out enjoying this gorgeous weather.
Anyone else have a crazy week? I can't tell you how glad I am that it's Friday night. I've stepped it up a notch this evening. 1/2 a bubble bar, 1/2 a bath bomb (the pink egg that breaks in half to reveal a surprise inside) and a fresh face mask (the sacred truth) to go with my book this evening. #litsypartyofone
I finished this one while pedaling 6 miles on the bike at the gym tonight. It was fitting since I was reading about the authors trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro. This was a great memoir. It was inspiring and entertaining and made me want to undertake a challenge to push myself out of my comfort zone. I'll need some time to reflect on what that might be though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This collection of poetry is beautiful. I think I'll be buying this one after I have to return the library's copy.
@BookishMarginalia has opened up the sign-ups for the #SunnerSantaGoesPostal #SummerSolsticeBookExchange So excited. The February exchange was so much fun, I can't wait for this one. 😆
I rarely have trouble sleeping, thank goodness, but when I do, it is really brutal. Last night I found myself wide awake at 1:30 in the morning, so I got up to read on the couch. How funny to find that the next chapter that I started reading was about the main character's insomnia and addiction to sleeping pills. Not a funny topic , but quite the coincidence. Luckily, my hot chamomile tea and 30 minutes of reading got me back to sleep.
Library holds galore! Happy Friday, Littens!! Hopefully your weather is better than our sloppy wet mess here in MD. 😁 I keep reminding myself that the rain will bring the beautiful greenery and flowers soon. 💦💦----> 🌸🌺🌷🌱🌳🌼
Starting this one tonight. Will most likely be my last read of March. I was in the mood for a memoir, especially one inspired by one of my favorite women in history. Thanks @Suet624 for including this one in my #cupidgoespostal package. 💗
Happy #nationalpuppyday! Here's a little #throwbackthursday to two years ago when my reading buddy Miss Molly the doodle was a little girl. It was her first trip to the vet. 😁that face!
Next up, Caraval and kitteh toes 😺. I've got two days before this one is due at the library. Think I can do it?
My first #dnf of the year. I just couldn't get into this one. I feel like I'm just forcing myself to read it because I've heard such great things about it but honestly I'm 100 pages in and I can't even remember the main character's name. Meh. I have too many books calling my name to spend anymore time on one that does nothing for me. Onward to the TBR pile I go.
#BOTM regrammed my post on their pet book club site! Woot. Litsy animal lovers, have you seen this Instagram account? So adorable if you are a fan of pets and books. 🐶📖😺🐱@petbookclub on instagram.