I can't believe it's almost the March #BookSpin draw! New to the list this month are the tagged and Sabriel. So far, I've been keeping up with the BookSpin draw but haven't gotten around to the Doubles.
I can't believe it's almost the March #BookSpin draw! New to the list this month are the tagged and Sabriel. So far, I've been keeping up with the BookSpin draw but haven't gotten around to the Doubles.
Just starting this. Already having trouble putting it down. Heinlein has a way of getting you hooked from the start.
Since everybody's playing Helldivers 2, it's time to revisit the classic! Here's a clip from ep. 18 Starship Troopers by Heinlein
#starship #troopers #heinlein #helldivers
1. The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
2. Her Mad Hatter by Marie Hall. This is an Alice In Wonderland retelling. This is the first book in a series called Kingdom. It‘s a series of fairytale retellings. I‘ve enjoyed what I‘ve read from the series so far. She has written more in the series since then. I want to read the other books. I like fairytales and fairytale retellings. They‘re magical and a happy ending is guaranteed.
Low pick because I bounced hard off the physical copy with the weird pidgin talk writing BUT the audio was perfect because you didn't have to figure out how the words worked you just heard them as they should sound. It was a little bit misogynistic and overtly libertarian but there were still a lot of interesting ideas being floated around.
An old fashioned rollicking space adventure with twists that have been rehashed both before and after this plot line. Classic Sci-fi feels fragile like bakelite, is rife with no-dos and wince material, but there was enough fun here to warrant the listen.
Ugh! Strange syntax by our hero, characters in blackface, endless and confusing descriptions about sleeper cells, the inner workings of Luna and a computer named Mike, all of which leads up to a revolution which I assume happens. Made it to 40%, but just didn't care enough to find out if they were successful or not. I guess this reader is a harsh reviewer.
'3,100 words omitted' No, no you can't do that Minerva, ignore sweet Grampa Laz and gimme that sauce!