I read this one in a day, great fun series that kept the pages turning. I was sad when it was over, I really hope there are more if these books.
I read this one in a day, great fun series that kept the pages turning. I was sad when it was over, I really hope there are more if these books.
As good as the first one, character development is great in this series, they almost feel like real people and not just characters by the end of the book. I can't wait for the next one.
To put it simply; I love it! Ally Carter you have done it again!
Still messing around. I should probably go to sleep soon. #bookstagram #perfectscoundrels #allycarter #heistsociety
Can‘t sleep and I have a cold. 🤧 The tea and the book are helping to distract.
Hey everyone. Has anyone else read this? I read this whenever I want something light and fun to read. I love that even though there is drama from her wanting to be normal and not go into the family business it isn't too much or too overpowering.
#book #booklust #booklove #booklife #booklion #bookporn #bookgeek #booknerd #bookcover #bookblogger #bookphotography #booknerdigan #bookaddict #bookaholic #allycarter #heistsociety #lightread
"We have to rob the Henley," Simon said.
Kat sank onto a truly uncomfortable sofa. "Again."
Finally got some time to read during my mid-sem break. Didn't really feel like starting any new books but ended up reading this.
Ally Carter's books make the best palate cleansers.