The way John Green tells a story will never cease to amaze me. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend.
The way John Green tells a story will never cease to amaze me. I really enjoyed this book and would recommend.
I picked this book up off the shelf when I forgot my book at home. I ended up really enjoying it. It was a very quick read. I have never read anything by Albom, so I can't compare it to his other works but I enjoyed it a lot.
I love Ally Carter and this trilogy was fabulous. No other way to put it!
To put it simply; I love it! Ally Carter you have done it again!
Reading a book slowly because you don't have the next book yet! Love that!
Ugh I'm sure all of us have suffered from a book hangover before. If you don't know what a book hangover is it is the struggle you go through after reading an amazing book, and not being able to read the next one. And unfortunately I'm experiencing a double book hangover. Anything by Nicole N. Will do that to me.
Sitting outside and reading on a beautiful spring day! I can't think of anything better to do!
Yay! I finished my Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge! I know 35 may not seem like a lot but I add a little more every year and have only been doing this for a couple so you just start out small and work your way up!