#Riotgrams Day 1: #Shelfie Long time no post. My life has been so very busy lately but one cool thing is that I built a bookshelf! I had help but I did it!! (It's just the shelf on the left) #INeedMoreBooks
#Riotgrams Day 1: #Shelfie Long time no post. My life has been so very busy lately but one cool thing is that I built a bookshelf! I had help but I did it!! (It's just the shelf on the left) #INeedMoreBooks
. . . I did a bad thing. I bought another book and it's still July . . . So here's book number 8 of my July haul. 😅😂😌
@barnesandnoble why do you tempt me so? (Please note; I'm not actually asking you to stop. 😂)
#barnesandnoble #hypedbook #newbook #julyhaul #hardcover #royalbastards #andrewshvarts #ya #yafantasy #booksonthebed #ididathing #booksmakemehappy #ineedmorebooks #ineedmorebookshelves #quickphoto #icanttakephotostosavemylife