Where can I get this????? LOL!! 😂
The link to the commercial is below:
Happy Friday!!
#introvertaf #infp
Where can I get this????? LOL!! 😂
The link to the commercial is below:
Happy Friday!!
#introvertaf #infp
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving This is the most accurate personality test I‘ve ever taken, a little eerie actually. I think I exhaust myself trying to be more extroverted than I am. @JoScho #INFP #introvertorextrovert https://www.16personalities.com. 📚 Many of my favorite authors are INFP: Orwell, Shakespeare, Kafka, Poe, Rowling & more!
Have just ordered this shirt—\u000it‘s available on www.signals.com if anyone else is interested. They also have other bookish goodies! ? ?
#infp #introvertaf
What Harry Potter character are you based on your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? As an #INFP, I'm a #Slytherin Luna Lovegood. 😂 Sounds about right.