I haven‘t seen anyone else here with my exact type. #introvertorextrovert
I haven‘t seen anyone else here with my exact type. #introvertorextrovert
Jumping on the bandwagon to show my Introvert pride! I‘m actually surprised I got the % of Extrovert that I did. #IntrovertorExtrovert
I‘m an introverted extrovert!!! This was fun @JoScho
#introvertorextrovert #SassyBookworm😏 #Advocate #INFJ
Glad to see I have the same personality as one of my favorite fictional TV characters! #ISFP #introvertORextrovert
#introvertorextrovert @JoScho
I don‘t spend a whole lot of time thinking about personality types these days (I feel like it‘s not much more relevant than astrological signs) BUT I love a good quiz. I feel like I scored near the middle of every single category except the I/E which was noticeably further toward the I. The description didn‘t feel all that accurate either. Ah well!
Have to say it was a bit eerie how accurate this is! I did take a similar test several years ago for a uni course, but couldn‘t remember what the results were. Re-taking the test now, when the results came through, it triggered my memory, and I realized I haven‘t changed over the years. I‘m very bubbly and outgoing, but truly an introvert who occasionally likes to extrovert. These tests always fascinate me!
I identify with some of this but decisive? strong-willed? Uh, no. I do believe in balance. I am sensitive, extremely private & burn out easily. Might be a perfectionist. Definitely creative. I'd like to think I'm insightful. Would love to be inspiring & convincing. Determined & passionate, but wouldn't say I'm altruistic or always need to pursue a cause. I guess this is what I could be if I worked to overcome my weaknesses & cultivate my strengths
I must be a true INFJ because a lot of these things make me crazy! 😱
What fun to meet many fellow introverts and Advocates! Thx @JoScho 🤗💕
I have taken this test many times and I have been always INFP. I do like small gatherings where I know everyone, but get freaked out at larger social events. I need my downtime. Some of my traits have changed over the years - I have developed organizational strategies, so I plan occasionally but my inclination is winging it.
In my experience people who read a lot are mostly introverts, occasionally “ambiverts”. @JoScho
I'm a #Defender #ISFJT my results on the #IntrovertOrExtrovert quiz you can take here: https://www.16personalities.com
Having fun reading all your post on this one👍☺