Wishing it was still Sunday so I could be curled up with my pup reading instead of being at work.
Wishing it was still Sunday so I could be curled up with my pup reading instead of being at work.
Stanley does not look amused that I‘m crawling in bed to read instead of playing with him. 😜
Sooooo good! Going to jump right into The Wicked King and then be sad that I‘ll have to wait a year for the next one. 😂
I‘ll admit I didn‘t love the Grisha trilogy like I loved Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom but Nikolai was always a favorite. I am loving this so far and it‘s fun getting to see what other characters are up to now as well. 🦊
Haven‘t posted on here in quite a while but thought I‘d try to get back into it.
Worked from home today so I was able to read a bit and just finished this one. I will say I don‘t love it as much as I love The Hating Game but it‘s still really great! Sally Thorne will definitely be an auto buy from me. 😍
Went to Barnes and Noble on my lunch break today and picked this one up. A very timely book that will definitely be moving to the top of my TBR.
This picture is from yesterday morning but it works for today‘s #riotgrams prompt, current read. ☕️
Watched the movie on Netflix and thought it was great so of course I had to pick up the book. ❤️
Happy birthday, Harry Potter! ⚡️ Received my 20th Anniversary Chamber of Secrets right on time. 📖
My bedside table TBR is getting ridiculous.
Happy 4th of July! Spending it finishing up Yes We (Still) Can by the pool seemed appropriate. 🇺🇸
Saturday morning essentials. 😍
Might be my new favorite book cover. 😂 Still sad I didn‘t get to see the Pod Save America crew when they were in Atlanta last week but looking forward to diving into this book.
Sometimes you‘re just in the mood for a classic. 📖
Just a few of my favorite things. 😍
Finished The Kiss Quotient and loved it!
About to start this one... I think Stanley approves. 🐶
Finally starting this behemoth. 📖
Book Depository order arrived. Sometimes I just like the British cover better and I love being able to get them. 😍
It‘s rainy and gloomy here so going to have a much needed lazy Sunday with coffee and a book.
1. Reading, bookstore, and laziness Saturday. Going to see Rent on Sunday. 😍
2. 5‘5” 🙋🏻♀️
3. I‘ve been in the Atlanta area for 4 years. Before that was in Baton Rouge for all my life.
4. Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan 🌎
5. Sleepy and need more coffee on this Friday morning at work. 😴
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Home in Louisiana for a visit and my nephews are sleeping over. This is the book my oldest one picked for his bedtime story.
Proud aunt moment. 😍🦈
What‘s better for Valentine‘s Day than these adorable dogs? Nothing to do with books but I had to share. This is my roommate‘s pup (the brown one) and some of our other friends‘ dogs. 😍😍😍
This one released on audible before it releases in ebook version in March and I‘m completely on board. I‘d listen to Richard Armitage read me the phone book. 😍
1. It‘s also my favorite book so this one was a no brainer.
2. Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons aka Fitzsimmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)
3. Peony
4. Chocolate and peanut butter anything
5. Pink! 💗
The airbags in my car had a recall on them so I‘m spending part of my Saturday at the car dealership. I didn‘t even mind because it meant at least an hour of quality reading time.
1. Hockey - although I‘m sad my favorite NHL players won‘t be playing this year. 🏒
2. I usually end up recommending books instead of authors... 📖
3. November 🍂
4. Black Panther 😍
Was lucky enough to see Black Panther early last night. No spoilers but definitely deserving of all the hype. I LOVED it! 😍
This is part of the children‘s book section of my bookshelf. Also, I‘d like to point out, I have no children. 😂 #riotgrams #shortstories
A historical and fictional account of Queen Victoria‘s life for day five. #riotgrams #royalty 👸🏻
About half way through this one and loving it so far! ❤️ #riotgrams #currentlyreading
Using this one because it‘s the last picture I took of my shelves in my old library. Now they are in my room and way harder to get a picture because of my bed. #shelfie #riotgrams
Spent my lunch break at the bookstore today... because payday. 🤷🏻♀️
Thought this cold day would be a perfect one to cozy up and finally start book two. 📖
Has been a crazy last month so I hadn‘t been reading much at all. Starting the new year finally moved into the new place and was able to unpack my books. Bring on 2018 and being able to read more regularly again!
Spending this Saturday in bed cozy with a book after the surprising snow we got yesterday here in Atlanta. 😍❄️
Twelve boxes later and bookshelves are all packed up...this was after getting rid of 100 books. Moving is the worst.
At the Atlanta airport waiting to fly to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and this book is keeping me company. Only about 50 pages in but so far I‘m hooked.