Ok, so I am a writer by trade... just like the test said I should be. These tests are simplistic, but they are kind of fun (outside the workplace). Plus, I like her hair...
Ok, so I am a writer by trade... just like the test said I should be. These tests are simplistic, but they are kind of fun (outside the workplace). Plus, I like her hair...
I thought the questions were interesting
#introvertorextrovert @JoScho
I don‘t spend a whole lot of time thinking about personality types these days (I feel like it‘s not much more relevant than astrological signs) BUT I love a good quiz. I feel like I scored near the middle of every single category except the I/E which was noticeably further toward the I. The description didn‘t feel all that accurate either. Ah well!
Have to say it was a bit eerie how accurate this is! I did take a similar test several years ago for a uni course, but couldn‘t remember what the results were. Re-taking the test now, when the results came through, it triggered my memory, and I realized I haven‘t changed over the years. I‘m very bubbly and outgoing, but truly an introvert who occasionally likes to extrovert. These tests always fascinate me!
There is no middle ground in my brain... LOL🤭 And no, I‘m not introverted or anything (just 97%)... 🤫 hehe
Accurate and same result As the last time I took the test for work.
I love these test because I almost never get the same one depending on the day.
Had to join in on the fun - I love these questionnaires! And this one turned out to be completely accurate. 👍🏽 I‘m betting many Littens are introverts.
https://www.16personalities.com #introvertorextrovert @JoScho
Ok, had to take this too. Yup, pretty accurate although I like to think of myself as less hippie-ish! https://www.16personalities.com/
OK, I had to find out. Seems accurate. I would totally wear that swan dress. 😉
I feel like I am nicer to people than this would indicate. 😢
From @InLibrisVeritas
I always retake these tests just to see if anything has changed over the years...and it hasn't. ☺️
I am still wondering how the HECK I managed to get this one 😐 well, I answered the questions very truthfully. Maybe there‘s are parts to my personality I haven‘t quite figured out yet 🤔
Anyone else get this one? ISFP-T
Yea I have to agree I think quite a bit 🧐🤔😝
I think I get something different every time I take this test, which might say more about my personality than the actual test results. But taking the test is always fun!
This test classified me as a Defender or ISFJ-A, and the introvert aspect is very clear. Other than the introvert/extrovert, my S/N and F/T scores are much closer to 50%, with 64% for J/P being the next highest. Overall, I found this to be a pretty accurate description. I especially agree with the strategy of confident individualism.
Also...good thing my identity is at least a bit balanced:-)
Even worse: I think it is a very correct result (and the same as the one I got 25 years ago when I started working at my last job)
Yep, sounds just like me. More introvert than not, and I like things to make sense.
Not sure this is the same result I've gotten before, but maybe it is. A lot of it seemed to match my personality
Not every book addict is introverted or am I in the wrong space?:-)
I took this test in 2015 and had the results emailed to me. I took it again now and then dug around in my inbox for the results from last time- got the same thing!
I was also 92% introverted which is no surprise.
Took it again. Got INTJ. I have taken this test before and vacillate between ISTJ and INTJ, so it isn‘t surprising. I need them to create a new INSTJ category for me!
Is this avatar meant to be Mark Twain? Edgar Allan Poe?
Here is the link to the test if you‘d like to have a go yourself. https://www.16personalities.com/
I‘ve been meaning to take this test...very interesting! It‘s almost scary how accurate this is.
I‘ve been ISFJ when I took the test in the past, but I‘m only 51% T so...
I‘ve done the Myers-Briggs tests through work a couple of times and I‘m pretty sure I‘ve never come across this assessment before! Granted some of it wasn‘t nearly as far off and I‘d thought from the label.... interesting.
Joining in on the fun.
I agree with some things, but I‘m not really very altruistic. I wish I were. My other weaknesses are spot on.
I‘m ISTJ, a Logistician. I first did Myers-Briggs about twenty years ago, and I‘ve always been very strongly this type. I‘m an accountant so at least I‘m in the right job!
INFPs to communicate deeply with others, easily speaking in metaphors and parables, and understanding and creating symbols to share their ideas. The strength of this intuitive communication style lends itself well to creative works, and it comes as no surprise that many famous INFPs are poets, writers and actors. Understanding themselves and their place in the world is important to INFPs.
I took the personality test, then made the hubby take it as well. Mines not a shocker, (99% introverted is not a surprise) but the Hubbys certainly was! I‘m a Logician that values truth above all & hubs is a Defender, That in itself doesn‘t surprise me, he‘s always looking out for other people, it‘s the 65% introverted that‘s a shocker. I love how it breaks it all down for you afterwards. #16personalitiestest
Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving This is the most accurate personality test I‘ve ever taken, a little eerie actually. I think I exhaust myself trying to be more extroverted than I am. @JoScho #INFP #introvertorextrovert https://www.16personalities.com. 📚 Many of my favorite authors are INFP: Orwell, Shakespeare, Kafka, Poe, Rowling & more!
I‘d say this is pretty right on from the description. The one off thing: it says the logistician doesn‘t tend to share her opinion and that isn‘t the case with me (as long as I‘m in a situation where I feel comfortable doing so).
Most of my traits are fairly evenly split and in the 60/40 range, but not this one. I‘m surprised to even get 4% E for this one.
No surprises here.
Hmm, difficult question... must think about this one 😉
I‘m loving all of the Meyers-Briggs posts tonight! I am an INFJ-T, and I don‘t know if I‘ve been more accurately described. I‘m noticing a lot of INFJs around here! #infj
Pretty spot on, though I wouldn't usually say I'm gullible. Descriptions of INFP's have always been accurate AF for me (in almost an eerie way), so this still makes sense 🙌🏽